Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday: a first and a movie

We made some banana bread today.  We almost made mint banana bread, as I told Isaac to get the vanilla and he got the mint instead.  The bottles look alike.  I just happened to watch him pour it and noticed it was the wrong color.  And the wrong smell.  And I freaked out a bit.  Luckily he didn't pour it in and the batter tasted fine after everything was mixed together.

Anyway, for the first.  Isaac cracked his first egg by himself, and got the egg out of the shell.  He's almost been ready to do it a few times, but this time when I asked he actually decided to do it.  I was quite proud of him.

Ben and I went to see Lego Batman tonight.  It was funny.  I'd highly recommend it.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday: wind and food basket

We started out the day with a trip to an indoor playground.  It's been a while since we had been there, and it was perfect...not all that big, but it was new and not many other people were there.

Then we went to Kids' Food Basket to help pack bag lunches.  Aunt C wasn't able to watch Joshua at the last minute, so he joined us.  He held up pretty well; he spent most of the 40 minutes putting his thing (celery or pudding) in a bag.  He was not so good at moving the bag to the next person, but I think we caught all the double puddings.  Isaac did well too.

Then Ben came home early because we had large waves at the beach.  Both boys loved it and it was the parents who were ready to go first.  I think the boys thought it was a bit more dangerous than we did, which is why they didn't want to leave.  (Also, it's hard to get the waves at their maximum.  The video does a pretty good job, but they weren't the highest.  Some went well over the walkway behind us.)

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday: school update

We got some letters in the mail today.

We did not get in at Black River.  While I was expecting this, it is still disappointing.  It probably would have been an easy decision.  We are 55th on the waiting list.  I prayed that we wouldn't get in where God didn't want us to be, and it seems as though He was rather clear.  But I'm still a bit sad.

We did get in at Eagle Crest.

Holland Christian is still on the list.

We will probably hear about West Ottawa Montessori next week; applications are due on the 10th.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Weekend: Fort Wayne

There was a lot of playing that occurred.  Playing with parents, playing with CC, and playing with each other.  

We took a walk today.  It was a bit cold, but still nice.  I asked Joshua if I should throw him in the river and he said no.  He then told me, for the next 5-10 minutes, that I shouldn't throw CC, Isaac, Uncle Nathan, myself, coats, hats, mittens, shoes, or pants in the river.

There were some beads to play with.  They were a big hit, both to wear and to play with.  I think they were currency for something and a train track at one point.

Isaac and Evelyn were trying to step on CC's shadow.

We went to the science museum.  It was busy, but there were many fun things to do.

A parachute is coming down, although you can't see it here.

Joshua enjoyed spinning.

Friday was Nathan's birthday.  There was a delicious cake.  The fact that they got cake and ice cream was one of the first things that Ben was told when we got home.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday: time travel

Physics lab today was two air carts bumping into each other and then going in opposite directions.  (An elastic collision.)  One poor group was having a terrible time with their data.  It looked okish, not great.  They took it again, same thing.  We finally looked at it very closely.

Cart 1 bumped into Cart 2 at time = 0.25sec.
Cart 2 bumped into Cart 1 at time = 0.50 sec.

Hmm, well that isn't ideal.  I sent them to work at a different computer, since time travel really messes up conservation of momentum.

(It turns out a computer restart probably would have worked.  Why don't I think of that sooner more often???)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday: Grandma's birthday

In keeping with our birthday celebrating tradition, we made mug cakes for Pat's birthday today.

The biggest problem was the Joshua woke up from his nap on the wrong side of bed.  Oh my.  I did something wrong about every five minutes for the next two hours.  I also made Isaac cry when I took out some of his checkers and then won the game.  (It was his first time; he did a good job besides being to invested.)

Anyway, we trying Face Timing Pat to sing Happy Birthday, but when that failed we just ate the cakes.  There was no way I wasn't giving it to Joshua with the mood he was in.

Joshua finally broke out of his mood when Isaac opened some new Legos and let Joshua watch/play for a little bit.  Phew.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday: and the thunder rolled

"Who took my slippers??" I questioned.

Joshua broke out into a big grin and went to get them.  As he picked them up, near a window, lightning flashed.  A second later, when he was in the middle of the room, the thunder rolled.  It was loud, but not the crack of really close lightning.

Joshua freaked out.  He dropped the slippers and ran to me as fast as possible, cuddling with me for minutes.  For the next 20 minutes we heard heard the story.

"By the TV."
"Thunder scared me"

Anyway, bed time rolls around and he's still a bit out of sorts.  There is still some thunder rolling around, but not very loud.  I put him in bed anyway, and tell him that we'll be downstairs.  Two minutes later he's done.  This feels real to me and he was so scared earlier.  I put him in a sleeping bag in the basement office.  That way he can see us but can still go to sleep and Ben and I can play Warcraft.

It worked well, as long as it doesn't become a regular thing.