Haha...I'm ok at taking the monthly pictures, but haven't been so good about posting them. Here they are, in a picture overload again.
65 months:
Silliness: The silliness has ramped up in the last month or so. It's getting a bit obnoxious, actually. When I ask a question and get "baulk" (the thing the chicken says) as an answer it just isn't fun any more. He also does this to other people, and that doesn't work for me either. Being that silly with close family is (almost) fine; being that silly with others is weird.
Playing: he still loves to play and plays with Joshua easily. Sometimes it seems like Isaac gets to make up the activity and Joshua just follows, but it works for the two of them right now so I won't interfere. There's been a lot of running around lately, but he's still playing with marbles and Legos a lot. Anything that involves putting things together is usually a hit. He likes mazes.
Dislikes: Isaac has been more vocal about things he doesn't like. This includes coloring, singing, and assorted outside activities (walks, biking at times)
66 months:
Screen time: Isaac makes sure he gets his allowed screen time every day. He has expanded to the computer some days, and sometimes wants to watch Ben or me play a video game.
Surprises: Isaac loves surprises. So much so that if I accidentally tell him what a surprise his there is a high chance that he'll start crying.
Eating: Isaac is a good eater. He often eats everything on his plate, although I think the incentive of a treat afterwards has worked well for him. He especially likes lemon things right now.
Crying: I've seen Isaac cry a bit more than normal lately. Today it was that he'd 'never get to see Ceiling Spider again' after it came into the sink and so I washed it down. It's usually over little things, and he knows that thinking about something funny helps him calm down.
Puppy Dog: Being a puppy dog isn't happening quite as much lately. I still get woofs a few times a day, but it isn't all the time. And I can call him Isaac at home without being reprimanded. :)
67 months:
Routine: Isaac is very good with the routine we have, but also does well if we change the routine and explain it to him. He usually wakes up around 7am and gets dressed. I'm often woken up by Joshua around the same time and then we'll have breakfast. We tend to do our outings in the morning, come home, have lunch, quiet time/screen time, and then putz around until Ben gets home. His green alarm clock has been wonderful; he is good about not going too long with the screen time.
Chores: Isaac currently cleans his room once a week, puts away the silverware, feeds Flurry, and puts away his laundry. He doesn't love it (especially hanging up his shirts), but it does it without complaining...usually.
Kindergarten: Kindergarten starts in a month, and although we've talked about it I'm not sure he really understands what it entails yet. (That's ok. Neither do I.)
He is a fun and easy-going kid to be with.