Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday: well, I made it

Ugh.  Well, I made it through the day.

The morning wasn't too bad, although Isaac had an annoying two-hour delay.  I had some meetings at work and so couldn't just stay home, so Isaac came with me.  He did fine, but bringing him back to school ate up a half hour of my precious grading time.

I picked up Joshua and we did a quick stop at the fabric store.  We were supposed to go to the grocery store too, but I only had one errand in me.

I felt rather rotten at home, but luckily Joshua was happy to work on the puzzle we have out for a while.  After I woke up from my nap I had a fever.  Not too high, but still there.  So due to illness coupled with the fact that I can barely talk I canceled my classes for tomorrow.  I felt weird doing that, but there is an extra Tuesday/Thursday in the spring semester and so I have the time.  It just means that the day before spring break will be an actual learning day instead of a 'come for extra credit' day.

Oh, I also snow-blowed the driveway.  Neither the snow blower nor I was happy about it though.  I just didn't want to be doing it, and the snow was very wet and very heavy and so the snow blower complained too.  The plow had come through though, and I really, really didn't want it to freeze at the end of the driveway.  We need to wait until the end of winter to get a big bump there.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday: sick

I went to bed with a headache last night.  I woke up feeling pretty good this morning, and throughout the day felt worse and worse.  The cough plus headache is what really did me in.

I came home, took some medicine and a rest.  (Not a nap because I kept coughing.)  I felt better after that.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday: Puppy

Last time we were in PetSmart, Joshua told me that he looked like this puppy.  (It is pretty in much in line with other times.  Usually though there are two dogs and the smaller one looks more like him and the bigger one looks more like Isaac.  This seemed so definite..."This is what I look like.")

So that you can tell how similar they appear...

Sunday: a pretty normal day

We had a pretty normal day today.  Ben was under the weather with this cold that won't go away.  I snow-blowed the driveway for the first time this season.  We went to church.  The boys made another fort and are sleeping under it.  Sometimes I wonder why we bothered finding a house so that they could each have a bedroom.  For that matter, why did we even get them beds?  They seem to like the sleeping bags better.  (I know, I know.  It's special because we don't always let them do it.  But still...)

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday: a chore

Sometimes one of Joshua's chores is to exercise the kitties.  It worked especially well today and he had quite the system.

He lured one cat into a bedroom and shut the door.  He then ran and ran and ran around the couch with a long piece of scrap fabric and the other cat would case it.  When Joshua got tired he ran into a different bedroom, with the cat following, and trapped the cat in that bedroom.  He'd take a quite break and then open up the first bedroom, allowing that cat to follow the fabric around and around and around the couch.  Repeat until it was time to be done - probably about twenty minutes or so.

It seemed like a rather effective way of tiring out Joshua too.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday: brothers

After being fever free in the morning, Isaac had a low grade fever in the afternoon.  I gave him some meds, but he seemed to mostly be doing fine.  Joshua, on the other hand, lost his control around 2:30pm.  Every little thing was a huge tragedy.  We're working on not crying right away when things don't go his way, but it was especially bad today.  I'm slightly wondering if he is coming down with something that Isaac or Ben has.  Anyway, they both went to bed early since no one took a nap.  Also, I finally started tracking when he went to the bathroom.  He went 31 times today.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday: classes, doctor, animals, Isaac

It was Thursday, and so I taught today.  We started out with a short exam, and there were two people that just didn't show up.  I found this very odd, since in the (I think) 10 semesters of teaching the class times eight short exams this has happened less than five times.  They finally got a hold of me and both had the flu.  Yeah, the flu's rough...but it still seems as though they should have been with it enough for a short email.

I also got this quote in a summary of a video they needed to watch:

"I am starting to really see the benefits of excel. It has a lot more applicable functions to real life than I assumed it would."

It surprised me a little bit since Excel is so widely used for so many things.  But at the same time I'm glad to hear that the class is making a difference.

After teaching Joshua and I went back to the doctor due to his frequent urination.  Nothing abnormal was found in the urine, so we're being referred to DeVos for some testing.  There's an odd picture in the waiting room and Grey Bear wanted his picture next to the bear that looked like him.  (Because they both have the same mouth.)

Isaac still had a fever all day.  Most of the day it was controlled through Ibuprofen, but at dinner time he looked miserable and shivery.  He didn't have a temp, but we gave him some Tylenol anyway because I think it was the cold before the hot.  We're not trying to do anything in the next 48 hours, so giving him the medicine whether or not we see an increased temperature doesn't really matter.

While Isaac was feeling good he took a bunch of pictures of the cats with their puzzle box.  I'm not really sure which set of brothers likes it more.  I keep putting it away to save for a boring day for the cats, but the human brothers keep finding things they want to put in it.  :D

The snail, who I keep wondering if it's dead, was suddenly on top of the plants.  It even came 'all' the way out of it's shell.