Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday: ups and downs

Today had more ups and downs than normal.

UP: I found a bag of apples in the trunk of the car!  I had been surprised this weekend when we were out of apples, but figured Ben had suddenly been eating a lot.

DOWN: Our sink is leaking.  This will end up being a very small repair to a small repair.  Luckily our favorite handyman is willing to help and that makes this so much easier.  (Can any more appliances break on us?  Yes, yes they could.)

UP: The exam that I gave today only had one minor typo.

UP: The exam that I gave today was about the right length.  Possibly a bit on the short side, but I'd rather go that way than the other way.

DOWN: I have a lot of grading to do.

UP: Dad picked up Isaac from school and brought him to Hope.

DOWN: Joshua had several problems.  I finally had him watch his movie in the classroom.  He didn't really want it, but he was just having too many problems.

DOWN: I missed a call (by a minute) from a student taking the exam in a different location (for good reasons).  I called back several times with no answer.  It turned into a small fiasco.

UP: The people at karate were very helpful.

UP: Once I got the right information I was able to help the student over the phone.

DOWN: I was rather distracted the whole karate class.

UP: It was Ben's turn to read to the kids before bed.  Sometimes, it's the little things.

UP: I opened a package only to find some surprise socks!  Are they from you?  Are they supposed to be for Christmas?  Either way, it was exciting.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sunday: chocolate Legos

Isaac got it in his head that he wanted to make chocolate Legos.  (It was a small problem last night, as he kept asking and I kept saying 'tomorrow' but then he kept asking.)

Anyway, we finally got around to it.  I made him do most of the work, including the microwave and stirring and putting it in the molds.  I helped flatten the bottoms, but besides advice that was about all.  He put them in the fridge and while they did get hard already we're going to wait until tomorrow to have them.

Saturday: lunch and logic

Ben and I had separate errands this morning.  The boys were sad to see him go, even though we left about two minutes later.

The boys played with their lunches.

After dinner Ben was playing a video game for a few minutes and there was a sign in a hallway that said, "this way".  Joshua wondered why we needed the sign, since it was just a straight hallway with no other ways to go.  After some discussion I said that maybe the person couldn't see (that there weren't any other ways to go).  Isaac pointed out that if this were the case, they also wouldn't be able to see the sign.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday: awareness

Joshua was sliding down the steps this evening and hurt himself a bit.  I suggested we put the ice pack on it, but then Joshua complained that it wasn't cold enough.  (It's just been sitting in the freezer that doesn't freeze.)

Isaac: we could get an ice chunk from outside
Amanda: what ice chunk (it hasn't been snowy in about two weeks)
Isaac: The snow.  We could pack up some snow for him/
Amanda: What snow?
Isaac: well, it should be there.  It's almost Christmas.
Amanda: it usually not snowy on Christmas.  It usually comes in January.

Isaac: mind blown.

Isaac: 86-95 months

Hmm, apparently I should do this a little more often.  Anyway, you can see the progression of this front teeth.

86 months: Feb '19

87 months - Mar 19  (wearing almost the same clothes)

88 months - April '19

(I especially like this one.  The sun was too sunny.)

89 months - May '19

90 months - June '19

91 months - July '19

92 months - Aug '19

93 months - Sept '19

94 months - Oct '19

95 month - Nov '19

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday: twins!

Guess who were twins today?

The difference in height sometimes surprises me.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday: shoe sizes

I would like to complain about shoe sizes.  Especially the kids' sizes.  From what I can tell, there are two different measurement systems. 

One goes:


The other goes
4 Little kid
5 Little kid
6 Little kid
7 little kid
8 little kid
9 little kid
10 little kid
11 little kid
1 big kid
2 big kid...

The problem is that sellers, oh say on Amazon, seem to mix and match the size and then put them in numerical order instead of size order.  So we saw a lot of

1 little kid (this is 1Y)
2 little kid (this is 2Y)
3 little kid (this is 3T)
13 little kid
3 big kid
4 big kid....

First of all, it took me forever to realize what was going on.  Then it took me a long time to find where the correct size was.  I feel like I'm a rather smart person and should be able to figure out shoe sizes for my child, but I was only 50% sure that we weren't going to end up with baby shoes.  (We didn't.)  I'm also only 50% sure that what I have above is correct, but I wrote it anyway because I'll probably have to deal with it again in a few years and don't want to forget the little I knew.