Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday: O:CtH - pantry

Today I officially finished the pantry.

Here's what it looked like at the beginning.  The stuff on the floor was overflowing and the lower wire shelf was a mess.

Here is the cleaned up version.  The floor has especially been organized.  The applesauce packs were put into a container because I never know how to store them and they're so annoying to remove from the cardboard.  The few bags of food have been put in a container on the wire shelf.  Things have been resorted, at least for now, so that like things are back together.  I got rid of some food, but more so just put things back in the right places.  The opened snacks went in the snack shelf in the kitchen (and we're quickly eating them up).

This is also the place where the backpacks are stored on the weekend, so it really looks more like this:

Next up: quilting area.  This is another small area, but it has a futon that has been used as a storage location for several years.  If we're not going to use it to sit on, it seems like we should get rid of it and put up some shelves instead?  I'll need to think about it for a bit.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thursday: sore throat

Joshua had a terrible sore throat last night.  So much so that he woke up in the middle of the night crying because it hurt.  It was a bit better this morning, so we sent him to school.  When he got back in the car after school he wasn't doing so well.  I was a bit surprised to have not received a call to come pick him up, but sometimes kids hold out just long enough.

Anyway, I brought him to the doctor tonight.  Nothing seemed wrong; he didn't have strep (nor any signs of strep besides a sore throat) or an ear infection.  They said to continue using ibuprofen to control the pain.  Hopefully it'll be gone shortly.

Last week was 100 days of school.

"If I had $100, I would buy candy.  
I wish I had 100 options for this.  
I would not want 100 bugs.
When I am 100 years old, I will watch TV.
I could eat 100 black beans.
I could not eat 100 atoms.
The best thing I learned in my 100 days at school is that recess is fun."

I was a bit confused by the atoms, but then he said that he couldn't just eat 100 atoms; they would be too small.  Also, while his spelling is still very appropriate for a 1st grader, it's starting to get better.  I can more easily read what he writes now and some of the weird words with double or hidden letters are starting to be correct once in a while.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wednesday: pantry moths

Remember a few months ago we had pantry moths?  Well, the moth traps worked really well.  I thought they were gone.  But now they're slightly reappearing.  I see one every few days.  I still have the traps out though, so hopefully all the males are being caught and I'm only seeing the females.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday: 2-22-22

I know the kids had "big" celebrations for Tuesday, 2-22-22.  I...didn't.  However, I did write the date once today and surprised myself with all the 2s, even though I knew it was a big deal today.

Haha...I blogged about 11-11-11 too.  I also missed all the 2:22 times, today due to sleeping.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday: O:CtH

I feel like O:CtH got started again after the lengthy office.  I did the pantry today.  I did the whole pantry, although I need a few storage solutions before I can show final pictures.

I didn't get rid of a ton of food, although I did get rid of a bag of rocks. I found some scarves I had been missing, and cleaned up some curry from a spill three years ago.  I didn't find as much cat hair as I had been expecting, possibly because up until about two years ago the floor was relatively clean.

I also got through all my "do today" tasks, so I suppose the day as a whole was rather productive too.  It helped that we had Bible Study at our house yesterday and so it was already quite clean.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Saturday: cheating

The boys and I played Forbidden Sky today.  It's a co-op game and the hardest of the Forbidden series.  We played the novice level.

Things were going pretty well until the last quarter of the game.  In order to prevent people from dying we redid a few big deal.  Then to prevent Isaac from dying I made a completely new rule that was that I could use all my actions to get a card to save him and I gave it to him.  We ignored one or two of the bad cards.  We reused the good cards.  I looked through the deck and picked the card I wanted.  The boys noticed what I was doing pretty quickly, but couldn't quite wrap their heads around it.  At one point I said, "Isaac, were is that good card you had?"  

"I used it."  

"I don't think you did."  

"Yes, I did."  

"No, I don't think so."  


"Seriously, can't you tell we're cheating big time already?  We would have died about ten times already.  Take the card."  

Laughter from both boys.

I had to put the game away because I was the biggest cheater.  However, the whole thing reminded me of when Mom would slip us $100 in monopoly so that we wouldn't be out in the first half hour of the game and that made me happy too.

Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Joshua: what does Rosa mean?

A: Rose

J: like the flower or the how pancakes are?

A: what???   Well, um, the flower.  Obviously.

A: Oh, hmm.  I bet he means rows of pancakes.  Rose, rows!  A new homophone I've never thought of!  But still, rows of pancakes??


Isaac's fort looks more like snowhedge now.


Everything is back in the guest room!  It looks great!