Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Tuesday: screen time day

We had a rather unconventional 4th of July.  Isaac had a bunch of screen time saved up from doing extra chores and wanted to use it on a day when Ben was around.  Joshua did several extra chores yesterday to accumulate a good amount of extra time, and so we added a bit of family screen time in and had somewhat of a screen time day.

It was fun.  The kids did a good job taking several breaks.  One of my favorite parts was in the evening in Warcraft a bunch of old-school druids had just happened to resubscribe for the month and we were all on at the same time.  It's been about seven years since I've been on so to have us all on at the same time was surprising.

We did get some of our chores done today too.  One of Joshua's monitors wouldn't turn on and off with the power button, so we pulled out a huge monitor from the back that we had forgotten about for him.  I cleaned the kitchen, again.  I did some laundry.  The normal stuff.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Weekend: cottage

We went to Dad and Pat's cottage this weekend. It was a wonderful trip!

We went up Saturday morning.  We got there a little bit before the Nathan and family.  We played some games and got settled.  Everyone else got there at lunch time, so we had lunch and then the kids started to play.  And they played.  And they played.  Most of the time was spent down at the beach, making water runs to catch foam.

We also taught Dad Space Base.

The next day was similar.  The kids played in the sand a ton.  There were a few additional excursions: kayaking, tubing, and fishing.  Games were played.  There was a big rainstorm in the late afternoon, after we had finished everything we really wanted to do outside for the day.

We left after dinner.  It was a very relaxing trip and the kids played together well.  It was nice to catch up with everyone too.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday: LEGO sorting

I put a lot of work into keeping our loose Lego collection under control.  It usually isn't very difficult; 15 min/day while watching TV often is enough.  (We also have family basement clean-up every few weeks and the kids put the sorted Lego into the correct bin.)

Joshua and I were talking about something and he mentioned that when he goes other places he usually doesn't play with the Lego because he can never find the piece he's looking for.  It takes too long to build anything.

And that made all the work worth it.  They spend so much time building (very interesting) contraptions I'm happy that we found a system that works for everyone.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday: morning

Joshua and I stayed out and about for the morning.  We helped Cheryl, went to the library, and got a cookie.  We had some extra time so we wandered around downtown.  He played briefly in the fountian.

We had lunch at Centennial Park before rock climbing.  The boys ate so slowly.  Also, Grey Bear snuck into Joshua's lunch.  I expect its because Grey Bear hasn't gone on an adventure in a while.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday: screenshots

It ended up being another air quality day.  The alert was extended through Friday midnight, but I guess we'll see what happens.  It was a little bit worse than yesterday in the end, with 203 AQI

I was giving a donation and the platform asked for a tip.  A tip!  I usually hate the service fee, but this was a bit much.

And a screen shot of a real life paper:  A Venn diagram between Joshua and Ben.
Joshua: kid, Joshua, own bed, likes cats.  Both: boys, family members, fun.  Dad: adult, Ben, shares Ben, likes penguins

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday: air quality

Today we ended up having a severe air quality day; I'm not sure I've been in one this bad.  It was due to some forest fires in Quebec.  The air was more than hazy all day and it smelled faintly of smoke.  The values peaked at 199 AQI around 1pm

Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday: birthday party

 We had Isaac's (half) birthday party today.  It wasn't big, just the grandparents.  But it was special.