Monday, July 3, 2023

Weekend: cottage

We went to Dad and Pat's cottage this weekend. It was a wonderful trip!

We went up Saturday morning.  We got there a little bit before the Nathan and family.  We played some games and got settled.  Everyone else got there at lunch time, so we had lunch and then the kids started to play.  And they played.  And they played.  Most of the time was spent down at the beach, making water runs to catch foam.

We also taught Dad Space Base.

The next day was similar.  The kids played in the sand a ton.  There were a few additional excursions: kayaking, tubing, and fishing.  Games were played.  There was a big rainstorm in the late afternoon, after we had finished everything we really wanted to do outside for the day.

We left after dinner.  It was a very relaxing trip and the kids played together well.  It was nice to catch up with everyone too.

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