Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vacation day 2

After getting up way too early this morning, remade it to the airport and our flights without any serious issues. hurray!

Then I got my surprise...the airport was on the south of the island, and so we took a helicopter ride up to the north part of the island, where our hotel is. Oh, I've wanted to ride in a helicopter for several years now. The roads are really bad and we got to see how the island looks like from the skies, so it was really the perfect time to do such a thing! It was a lot of fun.

PS. I know this is a day late but the Internet is down in our room...hopefully to be fixed soon, but we didn't realize there was another place we could go until later.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Vacation day 1

Today started when I woke up before my alarm. It was rather sad, but at least I had some quiet chores to do before Ben woke up. Then Jess came over for breakfast! We've never done breakfast before, but then usually I need to work during breakfast time. It was nice.

Then Ben and I started our pre trip cut, oil change,and package shipment. With labor day weekend, we were a little nervous that they were going to take forever...and they really didn't! We got right in at every place. and to top it off, I met Kaylee from Firefly. ok, maybe it wasn't her but it was who she would be if she lived now and not in a time of spaceships. she was one of the mechanics at the garage, looked a little bit like her, and even talked like Kaylee talked about starship engines. It was awesome.

The drive went ok. We had quite a bit of traffic around Harrisberg, but everything else wasn't too bad. We ate at a recommended restaurant. I had polenta. I thought it was going to be a pasta type dish based on the other ingredients in it, but it wasn't. It was still really good, but I had no idea what I was eating (besides cheese and tomatoes...I could identify those.). Anyway, it's a "peasant" food made from corn (

and now we're in the hotel! It'll be an early morning.

Thursday: Work

today was a great day. I finished the stuff I needed to get done around noon, got some stuff working on my macro, and then left a bit earlier than normal.

I'm getting excited!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday: Flurry

Flurry has taken to sitting in the sink a lot more lately. I guess it doesn't
T surprise me much...if I we ere a cat it seems like it would be comfortable and cool.

Not much else today...we went out for dinner with some people from church and that was fun.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Craft time

The craft: a small, light weight camera case
Time: about 10 minutes, not including finding everything.

You start with a rectangle.

Then you sew it almost in half, spray it with water proofer, and add Velcro. Wah-la! (Although if I ever make one again I'd put the velcro on first.)


I think I got it to work! Here is what I see most nights when I go to bed...A very sad Flurry. the water just got turned off.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday: hello world

Well, I was trying to upload some pictures onto the iPad but it is going to take a little more effort than what I want to do tonight. i got the pictures onto the iPad but now I need to get them onto the internet.

Not much else happened today. Work was work. I started taking out the French empire in Civ. Quilted.