Today went better than yesterday. Probably because I only had to nag the kids to do chores for a short time. I would like to note though that Isaac didn't want to come on a walk tonight because, "the basement was clean." When I queried if that made it more fun to play in, he said yes. At least he could see the benefit of cleaning.
During the service today Isaac made this out of clay. Three crosses with a person (Jesus) on the middle. He also made a separate mountain for Golgotha (he did not remember the name though). I expect that most of the sermon goes over his head, but I'm glad he's still thinking about Jesus during the sermon.
On the way home from Captain Sundae (and the minion popsicle), Joshua announced that he wanted to make a minion craft. Oh. However, he brought it up yesterday and again today, so we made one. I made him do some of the cutting and all of the gluing. Joshua didn't seem to realize that he doesn't have arms, and that was fine by me.