Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday: made it

This morning Isaac was laughing hystarically because Tornado had stuck his head in the lazy susan, kind of like below.  (It was recreated after it happened.)  He wanted a picture, but I said no.

So Joshua says, "I'll get it for you Isaac!" and runs over to the lazy susan.  I though he was going to somehow get the cat back over there using cat treats.  No.  He stuck his head in like the cat did, because obviously that's what Isaac wanted to see.

The rest of the day...was just ok.  We cleaned the basement, but it was a lot of "come on, keep going" even though we took a lot of breaks.  I'm not sure the breaks helped enough and next time maybe we'll just do it all in one shot.  The basement is lovely and clean now, at least for a little bit.

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