Sunday, August 4, 2019

Weekend: visitors

The weekend started with a quick trip to the library.  We all finished our summer reading program.

We had some visitors over this weekend, which means that our normal activities changed a bit.  At one point. the boys were trying to attack Ben and I with their wands.  Look at Joshua's great form!  There were two more wands hidden, so Ben and I snuck those out and counter attacked.  There were lots of ices and lavas from Isaac and Joshua.  I had mirror and Ben had shield.

We spent quite a bit of time outside in the afternoons.  Two days we went by the water and one afternoon we got ladder ball out.

Sunday morning we went out for breakfast with Larry and Cheryl.  The boys love playing with the jams and creamers and DeBoers.

All day Joshua wanted help to build a "scorpion vehicle."  I tried, but it wasn't very good.  Ben was apparently asked about five times.  Finally the rest of us were playing a game (we did several throughout the weekend) and Ben got out a Lego set for Joshua.  Lo and behold, it had a scorpion vehicle!  I was very impressed.

Isaac interacted with Felix a bit...more as the weekend went past.

I gave the family a duck-donut-donut ride.  Afterwards I sat in a tube.  I put the duck over me for shade.  Ben joined me and we looked crazy.

It was a lovely weekend.  It's been a while since we've seen Zach and Jenny and it was nice to meet Felix.

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