Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday: home again home again

Isaac is off from school for the weekend, so once again we were home.  We didn't do much.  The boys played well in the morning.  We went to the store, which didn't go so well.  They were sort of pestering each other and so I said that I got to choose the ice cream flavor and Isaac cried.  He was trying to hold it together, I'll give him props for that.  We came home, reset with lunch, and had a good rest of the afternoon.  I sent them to play outside for a bit and they played longer than I expected.  They hadn't really done that in a while, so it was newish again.

I went in and out a bit.  Here I am sitting on the front porch while Joshua tells me I'm mama puppy and I sleep at night and am awake during the day.  Puppy dog sleeps during the day and is awake at night.  It's currently night time.

I think Puppy proceeded to get lost or something.  I wasn't really playing, so I missed most of the plot line.  The one time I did find Puppy he told me that he didn't want Mama Puppy but instead he wanted his friends.  (What??  I know it'll happen eventually but it isn't true yet.)

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