Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday: Sandy Pines

Aunt Sue invited us over to visit Sandy Pines with her again. 

We played by the playground.  It was a fun looking playground and the boys did a lot of playing in the sand and making me meatballs from different kinds of sand.  I guess that Joshua did swing for quite a while, but both boys also "rolled" around in the sand more than I was expecting.

Then we played mini-golf.  Joshua was able to start each hole with the correct form.  After the first putt both boys sometimes went a bit crazy.

Even though it was a bit cool out both boys still wanted to get their swimsuits on for the water area.  (It was actually the first thing that Joshua was excited about when I told him we were going.)  They played in the cold water table for a while and in the pool for a bit.  Then we went back for lunch and then out again for ice cream.  Isaac was really hamming it up by this time and Joshua followed.

It was a lovely day, and by the time we got home and did screen time and rest time it was time for dinner!

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