Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday: the day before school

It was an interesting day before school.

The cats were cute, as they always have been lately.

Isaac had a bit of a hard day.  I made him do some writing and there were tears.  I was pretty much laughing because he had to write all of about twenty words.  What is he going to do in school tomorrow?  (I didn't even make him fix obvious spelling errors, except for "and".  It isn't spelled "dan" and he should know that one.)  (He also fixed "toys", because he originally had "toes" and since it's a real word we laughed about it a bit.)  I also made him clean ALL of his room.  I've been telling him that it needs to be done all weekend, so I didn't feel bad about making him finish.

Then we learned that Isaac has a new teacher!  His old teacher (kindly) quit before school started and a teacher that has previously taught second grade stepped in.  We had to go to the school anyway, so we were able to say hi while we were there.  The room looks much more ready than "meet-the-teacher" day so that made me feel a little better too.  In a weird twist, Joshua knows Isaac's teacher's name better than Isaac does.  (However, no one remembers Joshua's teacher's name.)

As a end of summer celebration we went to get FroYo.  Isaac was over-the-top excited.

We came home and Joshua immediatly went to the puzzle he was working on.  I had him start around 12:30 when I needed him to be doing something and he worked on it straight until 2pm.  He kept going back to it and now it's almost done.

Since Joshua was content I dominated Isaac in a game of Dominion.  I got a King's Court (3x) and a witch (curse) twice and poor Isaac had a deck full of curses.  It is one of the first games where I thought he could have made better choices with what to buy, but it can be easy to make mistakes when someone is throwing three curses at you.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

I loved the "eskaproom" too! :)