Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday: a bit better, maybe

Well, I was glad that I didn't need to work today.  I brought the kids to school.  I brought Ben to an appointment...and it was nice and fast.  Then we came home and a took a nap until lunch time.  I ate lunch, emptied the dishwasher, partially filled the dishwasher, and then took another nap.  My cough has gotten a lot better, so I think that has helped with sleeping.

When I woke up I wasn't feeling was the first time in several days that I was medicine free though.  I took all my medicine again and almost felt normal.  

So here we are.  Things are getting better, but in a weird way.  That's how these things always seem to go.  And even though I slept half the day I'm ready for bed again.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday: a bit worse, maybe

Most of the day was worse than yesterday.  I slept semi-ok.  It took me a long time to get to sleep, but then only woke up a few times.

This morning, however, my back hurt whenever I coughed.  Or moved weird.  I took a nap during church. 

I didn't have as many coughs today though, possibly because I realized that if there is something in my mouth I don't cough as much.  So I had a bunch of cough drops.  I switched between Luden's (delicious) and menthol (un-delicious).  All afternoon I laid in bed, not sleeping.

Joshua made dinner tonight...he wanted tacos and I didn't want to make food.  I helped a bit at the end, but he did most of it.

Right now I'm feeling just a little bit slightly better.  I'm optimistic that tonight will go well.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday: cough

Today the cold manifested more as a cough.  It's been a while since I've had such a cough...the problem is that I still have some stress incontinence and it's been a bit rough.

I took it easier today, but I still needed to be a Mom.  It was a bit annoying. 

vacation Monday: coming home

We had the morning in Florida, but just kind of bummed around.  It was a little rainy so no one wanted to get in the pool.  Also, the ducks had been put up so they weren't available to play with.  Ben and I were closely watching the weather as thunderstorms were supposed to roll through just as our flight was supposed to leave.

Joshua worked on a house of rocks.  The rest of us played a game.

We got to the airport and breezed through.  We always get there early because I'm very paranoid about airports and Ben kindly puts up with it.  At this point it looked like we would just get a little rain, no thunderstorms.  We got on the (hot) plane and taxied out - only to be the first one in line when they put a hold on take-offs to the north due to thunderstorms.  Oh bother.  Well, the weather cleared enough after waiting only 15 minutes and so we were off!  I ran the math several times in my head and while we might not have a ton of extra time to make the connection, it shouldn't be a problem.  I didn't anticipate any running.  

The flight itself was terrible.  The first 45 minutes had a bunch of turbulence.  Ben and Joshua, sitting in the middle of the plane, had a crying baby next to them.  Isaac and I, in the very back of the plane, dealt with some strong perfume and sitting right next to the lavatories.  But in the end, we made it at our scheduled arrival time!

Only to have the next plane delayed.

But we found a nice food court to eat dinner at, and everyone seemed to perk up with food.  The second leg of the trip was delayed several times, but in total only by about an hour.  When we were in Florida I said that I was hopeful we'd be home by 10:30pm.  We came in the door right at 11pm...but the kids were so, so tired.  Joshua's good part for Tuesday was going to bed Monday night.

Vacation Sunday: mini golf

 We went mini-golfing in the morning; there's a nice course with fun holes.

We had leftovers at home.  The night before we had all been given flowers as a garnish with our meal, and Joshua decided that he really enjoyed eating them.

After a bit more relaxing time Ben took the kids on another Vespa ride and we all went over for Gelato.

Then we got in the pool.  Joshua told me I had to get in the big pool at least once.   (While I often make it into the hot tub, I don't always make it in the big pool.)  Anyway, I was a Boring Mom and just walked in circles, but it's amazing how just walking in circles can turn into a fun game.  While we were in the pool Isaac was slowly getting ready to get in.  Joshua had this great quote: "There's Isaac! He teleported straight from one bathroom to the other. A portal potty!"

The last thing of the night was movie in the hot tub.  We turned the hot tub temperature down quite a bit though, so half way through the movie I got cold.  I got out and everyone else slowly followed.  At that point it was more comfortable to watch inside, so we finished it up there.

This picture was from Thursday, but I wanted to still share it:

Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday: nap

Well, I was hoping to get a lot done and instead I just got some done.  It wasn't a super productive day, but good enough.  I did take a 2.5 hour nap and Horizon joined me for most of it.

Isaac: 124 - 144 months

 124 months:

125 months:

126 months:

127 months:

128 months:

129 months:

130 months:

131 months:

132 months:  11 years!  (ten fingers + one toe)

133 months:

134 months:

135 months:

136 months:

137 months:

138 months:

139 months:

140 months:

141 months:

142 months:

143 months:

144 months - 12 years!