Saturday, March 1, 2025

Vacation Sunday: mini golf

 We went mini-golfing in the morning; there's a nice course with fun holes.

We had leftovers at home.  The night before we had all been given flowers as a garnish with our meal, and Joshua decided that he really enjoyed eating them.

After a bit more relaxing time Ben took the kids on another Vespa ride and we all went over for Gelato.

Then we got in the pool.  Joshua told me I had to get in the big pool at least once.   (While I often make it into the hot tub, I don't always make it in the big pool.)  Anyway, I was a Boring Mom and just walked in circles, but it's amazing how just walking in circles can turn into a fun game.  While we were in the pool Isaac was slowly getting ready to get in.  Joshua had this great quote: "There's Isaac! He teleported straight from one bathroom to the other. A portal potty!"

The last thing of the night was movie in the hot tub.  We turned the hot tub temperature down quite a bit though, so half way through the movie I got cold.  I got out and everyone else slowly followed.  At that point it was more comfortable to watch inside, so we finished it up there.

This picture was from Thursday, but I wanted to still share it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great getaway!