Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday: mostly back to normal

Things were mostly back to normal today: Ben went to work, Joshua went to school, and I did my chores.  Isaac has been normal, or as normal as he ever gets, this whole time.

That all being said, it wasn't a very interesting day.  The weather is starting to warm up (low 50s today) so I didn't wear a coat.  I got my winter tires taken off and my all-season tires put on.  I didn't go to karate just to give myself a bit longer to get better - I'm close, but I'm not sure I'm exercise close.

Due to the snow day, my class ended up with a test the day before spring break.  I normally only have 1/2-2/3 of the students in class, and about half of the students that are gone are gone for reasons that they can't really control.  ("The baseball team is leaving early."  "My ride home is leaving two days early."  We won't talk about my feelings with this, because no one really cares.)  Anyway, I gave two alternate times for students to take the test so that we don't have to worry about it after break.  Well, I had!...student sign up to take advantage of this.  I'm fluctuating now between wondering if the students completely ignored my communication attempts and will be gone or if everyone will actually be in class.  Stay tuned.

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