Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday: a bit worse, maybe

Most of the day was worse than yesterday.  I slept semi-ok.  It took me a long time to get to sleep, but then only woke up a few times.

This morning, however, my back hurt whenever I coughed.  Or moved weird.  I took a nap during church. 

I didn't have as many coughs today though, possibly because I realized that if there is something in my mouth I don't cough as much.  So I had a bunch of cough drops.  I switched between Luden's (delicious) and menthol (un-delicious).  All afternoon I laid in bed, not sleeping.

Joshua made dinner tonight...he wanted tacos and I didn't want to make food.  I helped a bit at the end, but he did most of it.

Right now I'm feeling just a little bit slightly better.  I'm optimistic that tonight will go well.

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