Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday: end of September and rain

It rained here all day. I was sadly inside without windows for most of it though. I love the rain. There's apparently a flood warning starting tonight through tomorrow. We're on the side of a mountain so if we get flooded we will have other significant worries, but I feel bad for the people in the valleys. There were some bad floods a few years ago, so hopefully changes have been put in place to nothing too bad happens.

I'm also really glad that tomorrow is October. I've been having a problem with the month number of September this year (9). At the beginning of September I kept putting 10. Today I kept putting 7.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday: relative smartness

Yesterday I finished the program I keep talking about. It is still in beta testing, but I really don't foresee any major issues. I love the program and I think the operators will too...I know my beta tester does! So apparently there was a meeting today and someone told me that people in the meeting said I'm really smart and they're glad to have me around. Aww.

But that got me to thinking. Do I feel smart? Sometimes, about some things. However, I know there are a lot of people smarter than me too. Case in point: I started this one class in grad school. I didn't understand a thing that was going on. I tried to understand the homework (although I wasn't sure it had anything to do with what we had learned in class). I went to a study group and still didn't understand the homework. I threw up the next morning because I was so stressed out and proceeded to drop the class. (And I enrolled in a class that was much more practical.) (And easier.) (And I got to try to make pop cans explode in a freezer for one of the projects.) (It doesn't happen as often as you think.)

On the other end of the spectum, I also received this message today:
However, I'm not really sure that a program called SAP has any right to call me a dummy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday: Movies

Tonight there was a gathering of guys to watch football at a friends house, so a few girls came over to my house to watch movies. I watched Valentine's Day and Date Night.

Date Night was my was pretty funny. Valentines Day was ok. A fellow engineer and I were watching it together though, so we kept picking apart the was pretty fun.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hello Sunday. It was a pretty nice one...went to church, took a nap, you know, the normal stuff.

We'll grab some questions from Five Question Friday so that this isn't a completely dull post.

1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?
Hmm, the more I think about this the more complex I realize the question is. Overall, I guess the answer is no. Mainly because I don't spend money on myself that often (because I usually don't need anything special). Sometimes I'll think about what Good Works the money could do, but I also realize that the money can do both.

2. How well do you know your neighbors?
Not all that well. We know the people across from us a little bit and they will often cat sit if we are gone. The people below us we knew a little bit, but then they had to leave because he got laid off. I don't really know the others much at all.

3. What age are you looking forward to being?
This is a weird question. I like my age, but am ok with growing older too.

4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? Why?
Not anymore. There usually isn't anything good in it. I was excited as the kid to get the mail, but that was before email was as prevalent. I'm usually rather excited to check my email though.

5. Where did you and your significant other go on your first date?
Our first official date was Applebee's. The first unofficial date was a Shakespearian play.

Saturday: flurry

Ben and Flurry were playing this morning and we got some cute photos.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday: big city

Tonight we went out for dinner with some friends in the big city of Binghamton. It's food week there so we got a three course dinner for $20...and lots of leftovers.

Then we walked to Luke's new apartment. It is very nice. Hugh especially liked the knobs on the music player.

I also stained the deck this afternoon. I would like to my future self that staining something in the beginning of fall is probably not the best idea, even if the weather is really warm.