Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday: relative smartness

Yesterday I finished the program I keep talking about. It is still in beta testing, but I really don't foresee any major issues. I love the program and I think the operators will too...I know my beta tester does! So apparently there was a meeting today and someone told me that people in the meeting said I'm really smart and they're glad to have me around. Aww.

But that got me to thinking. Do I feel smart? Sometimes, about some things. However, I know there are a lot of people smarter than me too. Case in point: I started this one class in grad school. I didn't understand a thing that was going on. I tried to understand the homework (although I wasn't sure it had anything to do with what we had learned in class). I went to a study group and still didn't understand the homework. I threw up the next morning because I was so stressed out and proceeded to drop the class. (And I enrolled in a class that was much more practical.) (And easier.) (And I got to try to make pop cans explode in a freezer for one of the projects.) (It doesn't happen as often as you think.)

On the other end of the spectum, I also received this message today:
However, I'm not really sure that a program called SAP has any right to call me a dummy.

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