Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday: quote

(I couldn't find the quote but I'll credit it to him anyway.)

As my wise brother once said, "Change is hard."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday: baby advice requested

Well, now that we know we're having a boy (and the first baby shower is coming up soon), I'm looking for advice. I know there is a lot of advice out in the mysterious interwebs, but I'm curious as to what my friends (or random readers) think. So I'll happily read any advice that you have, although I will admit that I might not follow all the advice.

To get you started:

1. Registries
1a. We will be registering at Target. Babies R Us is about 45 minutes away from us. Would Babies R Us or Amazon be a better choice?
1b. What is something that you thought you needed but you really didn't end up using?
1c. What is something that you wish had been on the list?
1d. There are so many options...which items do we need to research ahead of time and which can we go to the store and pick our favorite?
1e. What specific things (with a brand) have worked well for you and that you would recommend?

2. Diapers
2a. We're considering cloth diapers. Any thoughts?
2b. How much extra work/time do cloth diapers actually take?
2c. Which brand of diapers (cloth or disposable) seem to work well or poorly for you?

3. Daycare
3a. What questions do you think we should ask prospective daycare providers (beyond the basics)?

4. Other
4a. What tricks did you learn that worked well?
4b. What other advice do you have that hasn't been covered in a previous question?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday nights: they still hate me

Sunday nights still hate me. All Sunday nights.

I don't know what I do differently on Sundays that I don't do on Saturdays. I couldn't think of anything that I consistently do differently.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday: random things

Lots of random things today...

Here is a picture of Flurry in one of her favorite places. Sometimes she just hangs out there, even if we aren't in the bathroom.

Ben felt the baby move today. He said it felt really faint (and it was one of the stronger kicks) but he was able to identify when the baby kicked without me saying anything.

Here I am at 21 weeks.

We went to a party with people from Ben's work tonight. I knew one person, so that was nice. Actually, I kind of knew two because I was an intern with one at JCI right after high school. we were doing the normal, "I don't think we've met when we looked at each other and realized that we did know each other."

Also I realized that I don't know what the word Ebenezer means, even though it is in hymn that I like (it was also the name of a church that we passed). It means "stone of help.".

I wish it wouldn't feel so wasteful to get new sheets more often. They're so soft.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday: donuts

Today we're not going to talk about how many donuts I had today, because it was more than I should have had.

But they were all delicious.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday: It's a...

...day we've all been waiting for: ultrasound day! Yay! The baby seems healthy, at least according to the initial looks. I'll find out in about two weeks if that isn't the case.

The baby on the side: head on the right. The baby was rather wiggly. It started in one direction and by the end had turned itself 180 degrees. We also saw its mouth open and close a few times.

We saw all the different parts, including a foot, arms, legs, heart, head, etc. As the tech was going through the different layers of the skull it looked kind of like a horror film, but the outermost layer always looked ok.

After doing the measurements they also moved the due date up a week to Dec 27. It's a little bit sad that it is closer to Christmas, but at the same time it would be nice to meet the baby earlier.

Well, on to the news that I know you've been anxiously waiting for...how my MRI scan went this morning. Imagine you're at a new age concert with a synthesizer and a wooden block...that's what it sounded like. Except you could see only white. I had the scan because of my weird, super short but super painful headaches that I was having in March and April. I haven't had them since then, but since it wasn't the first round of them the doctor decided to get the MRI done just in case. It was longer than I expected...20 to 30 minutes...and by the end I was getting sore from just being still for so long. I'll find out in a few days if there's something wrong, but I doubt it.

Ok, back to the baby. It's a boy. I had convinced myself that it was a girl so I was rather surprised, but not at all sad. I keep saying to myself, "It's a boy!!"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday: sleepy

Well, I had a special post all figured out in my head but then I got too tired to write it. So tomorrow you'll get an two for the price of one post, because I knew what I was writing about for tomorrow too.

did I just mess up my tenses? I'll blame it on being sleepy.