Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday: one month

Isaac is one month old today!

He got dressed in his Animal shirt because it had been a rough night. He kept waking up.

Isaac and Flurry are starting to get along better.

I pumped for the first time! I had wanted Isaac to eat before an appointment, but my attempts at gently waking him up failed completely. Next up is actually getting him to eat from the bottle though.

And sleeping. He took two amazing naps during the day; I wish they were at night instead.

Ben and I were talking about how much he's changed in just a month. He's grown a ton...clothes that used to be way too big are almost too small. His head can stay up easily during tummy time. He can roll over (when he's in the mood). He doesn't sleep as well at night.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday: socks and sheets

This morning Isaac soiled the last pair of clean socks that he had. (That fit...he had some that were too big and lots of pairs waiting to be washed.). So since he was going to wear socks that didn't fit no matter what, I thought he might as well wear some of Ben's.

We also went to the new house and put our bed together. Guess what we found? The bottom sheet from our sheet set! The movers hadn't taken it off, which is why I was unable to find it in April.

It also snowed ton this morning. Around 7 I don't remember seeing much accumulation (although I wasn't looking very hard) and by 11 there was about ... 8"? I'm bad at estimating snow depths, but it was a lot.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday: moving part 1 and tears

This morning I saw isaac's first tears...one from each eye. He had just conked his head on my collarbone pretty hard and apparently it hurt.

We also have all the stuff from the storage building moved into the house! A huge thanks goes out to Bens dad, who we didn't expect to be there but helped a ton. But all the furniture is in the house and in the correct room. Well, I guess there are a few pieces left, but nothing big.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday: 4 weeks

Today Isaac is four weeks old!

(the quilt is almost done, too)

We also went to the new house to get a few thing ready for moving phase 1. In doing so, we got some pictures of Isaac in his new bedroom.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday: a house, a date

Today we bought a house! However, I don't have any pictures right now. We'll be slowly moving in over the next few weeks. Isaac was great at the closing and slept right through it. While the process was somewhat stressful, we had an amazing mortgage agent who was one of the most responsive service-industry people i've ever worked with, and that was great.

Then tonight Ben and I went on a short, but very nice date. We left Isaac with Dad and Pat and went to a nearby restaurant. Isaac was apparently on his best behavior while we were gone...hurray!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday: post 2

So here I am, feeding Isaac, and find that I already wrote tonight's post. So I thought I'd write another.

A lot of cool things are happening tomorrow. It will be an exciting blog post. Actually, it might not be. But it will have exciting news.

My finger pads are dry. Not cracked, but a lot drier than they were before Isaac was born.

I pronounce the j in bjorn (buh-jorn). I think it is because I read the word fjord before anyone said the word to me, and the hard j stuck. I even think I read it in "a wrinkle in time" but would need to reread the book to confirm.

Following jess' example, i've been doing a lot of reading to Isaac from the book I'm reading. And I've found out that weird names of people and places are really annoying. I have no idea how to pronounce them, so stumble over them a lot. It's especially annoying when the name is only going tobe used once. When reading to myself, I don't think that I pronounce weird names, but look at the letters in the name and go with that.

Isaac seems gassy tonight. I wonder why. It certainly isn't helping him sleep.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday: pictures and video

Today the baby pictures were posted!  Woo-hoo...I love them.  If you want to see all of them, you can go here: http://www.pictage.com/1203102

But here are some of my favorites (copied by permission).  Christen did a great job, and you can see more of her work here: http://www.christenbphotography.com/ (and she is available for other photo sessions if you're interested!)

 I might have to expand my picture wall.  How am I going to have all the cute ones of Isaac and still have other memories and people on it?

Here is another video of Isaac rolling over because that's the only trick he currently has in his repertoire.  It takes him forever, but he does it.  Sound was removed.