Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday: B verse

Amanda: Be
Isaac: Be
A: Kind
I: Kind
A: To
I: To
A: One
I: Three
Ben: hahaha
A: Another
I: Another

It's been a little surprising...he's been able to remember better than I expected and sometimes will say the words with me instead of just after me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday: blarg

Today I was feeling stretched. Very stretched. As in, "it hurts to walk." I had this one morning a few weeks ago, but it left after an hour. Today it stayed around. I actually called the doctor. (Side note: I feel like a first time mom I've called the doctor so much this pregnancy.). She said it was normal, but might take a few days to go away. I could take tylenol and walk around with my hand supporting my belly. (Walking like that makes me feel obviously pregnant.)

But it just tops off a week were I haven't been feeling very good anyway. I thought I was supposed to be better by now.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday: sister

Isaac is convinced that he is going to have a sister. (Although Ben and I aren't convinced that he really knows what that word means.)

Yesterday he drew (and erased) a picture of his sister on his easel. This morning he told me that he wanted to pull his sister's hair. As we were looking through a book of baby animals he thought they were sisters.

The work sister has been coming out unprompted more and more. Good thing we're going to find out the gender soon so that if it's a brother we can help him get used to the idea.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday: afternoon

This afternoon was rather rough of Isaac, and I'm not really sure why. The tears came so quickly over the smallest things. But it gives me more chances to hug him. :D

The funniest was when he through a red 2x2 Duplo toward me. Duplo throwing is prohibited, so I took it away. He got so upset.the only thing I could think of was that he had about 20 more unused red 2x2 duplos still sitting in the box and he should go get one of those. Of course, I didn't say anything because that would ruin the teaching moment he was so kind to give me.

Speaking of teaching, I've found that some things are really, really hard to teach children...or at least Isaac. What items are ok to throw? When you're putting a puzzle together, what clues do you look for? When is it ok to hit people (like in football)? There are so many things to teach that I don't have good explanations for.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday: 17 weeks

Not a great picture, but the bump seems to be growing rather quickly. My normal shirts are starting to have a hard time covering it, which is super annoying.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday: scary and not scary

Isaac has been discovering the emotion "scared" and it's rather interesting to watch. If he sees something scary on TV he puts his hand over his mouth. (And what he finds scary often surprises me...I try to anticipate it but yesterday gave up while watching Lilo and Stitch because too much was scary.). Then this morning I told him not to push the carbon monoxide alarm because it would be scary and he immediately sat in my lap and wouldn't leave until we went up stairs.

This evening Ben and I went to see the Lego movie. It was great. I don't think I've laughed that much at a movie...ever. There were a lot of kids in the audience and it was interesting to see what they laughed at versus what we laughed at (many things were the same).

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday: laundry

Today Isaac and I put away some laundry. He really enjoys putting away laundry. We finished two baskets and I asked him to put an empty basket back in the laundry room. I went over a minute later and discovered he was trying to get the third basket of laundry out. I was done with laundry, so I told him to leave it there and figured we'd go do something fun.

It led to tears. Lots of tears. So I changed my mind...if he really wanted to do laundry, maybe we should. Of course, I had nothing that he could put away so I gave him the job of sock matching. It took him a while to figure out what was going on, but by the end he was getting the hang of it.

I guess he has yet another chore he can help out with now!