Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday brotherly love

Isaac, unprompted: I love my baby brother
Isaac gives Joshua a hug.
Isaac pokes Joshua repeatedly.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday: and now for something totally unrelated... children.  I know, hard to believe.

Ben and I were talking the other day and it turns out that he really likes the inside part of apples and only eats the skin because it's good for you.  I, on the other hand, love the skin and eat the inside because it's there.  (I love cooking with apples because I can just eat the skin.)

1. How did we not know this before?
2. We should really be taking advantage of this.
3. What part do you like best?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday: 4 weeks

Joshua is four weeks old!

I turned him over for some tummy time and he happily stayed like that. :)

We saw Nathan and Liz downtown for a bit this morning.  We walked around Hope, but then it got hot.  We also stopped at the bookstore, but the line was super crazy long, so we didn't get anything.  We took naps (well, the kids at least took naps at my house) and then we went to Dad and Pat's for dinner.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday/Sunday: visits!

Nathan, Liz, and Evelyn are in the area, so they've come over for dinner (along with Dad and Pat).  It's been nice to see them...and see how big Evelyn has grown!

Isaac did great with Evelyn and even remembered her and her name this morning.  I have a feeling that once Joshua gets to the exersaucer we're going to have so many toys out.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Addendum: trapped

It's 5am, I just started feeding Joshua and I'm out of mindless things to do. So I'll talk about one of the things on my to-blog-about list.

Since Isaac has been out of his crib, it's easier to give him good night hugs after he's in bed. It started out with him saying, "do this thing?" with his arms extended to me for a big hug. And a long hug. I loved it.

But then it morphed. To being trapped. To being trapped twice and it being a struggle to have him let me go. I don't like it.

I did manage to escape being trapped last night though because he had a train book that he wanted to read. The book is luckily from the library because the story makes no sense. They're based on the Thomas videos and use pictures from the videos, but seem to leave out key details in the text.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday: nice day

Today was a nice day.  Joshua slept excellently last night.  Aunt C came and played with Isaac in the morning.  Dinner was provided to us by a friend.  So I was able to take a good nap and get some of the chores done that required two hands and no little bodies.

Joshua still only does ok in the swing.  Sometimes the best thing for him is to not have it swing but just put the birds on.

Flurry has started to appear more again.  I think she's resigned herself to another loud child being around.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday: feeling better

I love feeling better!  I woke up with a different headache this morning.  (Lack of sleep?  Joshua fidgeted and cried with both arms in the swaddle.  And with one arm in the swaddle.  And with zero arms in the swaddle.  And in the backup sleeping location.  Turning the light on for a few minutes finally calmed him down once.)  But it left within a few hours and then I had more patience.

Isaac and I started a big puzzle (500 pieces).  My challenge is finding pieces that go together fast enough so he has something to put together.  Tomorrow he wants to work on the trees. :p

Isaac also learned the excellent skill of putting the pacifier back in Joshua's mouth.  Of course, it was often accompanied by "Open up, Baby" in the sweetest little voice.  (We're still working on calling him Joshua instead of Baby.  Guess that's what we get for calling him Baby for so many months.)