Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday: feeling better

I love feeling better!  I woke up with a different headache this morning.  (Lack of sleep?  Joshua fidgeted and cried with both arms in the swaddle.  And with one arm in the swaddle.  And with zero arms in the swaddle.  And in the backup sleeping location.  Turning the light on for a few minutes finally calmed him down once.)  But it left within a few hours and then I had more patience.

Isaac and I started a big puzzle (500 pieces).  My challenge is finding pieces that go together fast enough so he has something to put together.  Tomorrow he wants to work on the trees. :p

Isaac also learned the excellent skill of putting the pacifier back in Joshua's mouth.  Of course, it was often accompanied by "Open up, Baby" in the sweetest little voice.  (We're still working on calling him Joshua instead of Baby.  Guess that's what we get for calling him Baby for so many months.)

1 comment:

betsy said...

Sorry to see you were sick! Glad you've recovered and the kids didn't catch it! I love having Ethan help with the pacifier too :-) you're ambitious with that puzzle - we're just catching on to the little ones of 10 or so pieces! ;-)