Saturday, August 9, 2014

Friday: bossy

Isaac was rather bossy today. Sometimes it was funny, like when we were counting and he didn't want me to include six. Sometimes it was rather annoying, like when I couldn't build small sand castles.

We still don't have a great routine for when I'm feeding Joshua. Sometimes Isaac is fine, and sometimes a bit off the wall. He also seems to be asking to play with Ben and me more than pre-Joshua and it feel like I'm saying no to him a lot...but I still feel as though I'm spending a lot of time with him.

In other news, they wore matching socks today. Isaac is in charge of picking out the socks. (He's also in charge of turning on the birds for the's the only button he can reach or I expect there'd be music all the time too.)

1 comment:

betsy said...

Love the matching socks!