Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday: this and that

First up, some pictures from the beach yesterday.  They turned out really well.

The boys chased this seagull for about five minutes.  That'll show seagulls not to come near our food.

Our plans today changed because of the weather.So we ended up doing errands instead of something fun.  One of the errands included going to Joann' was so busy.  I needed some fabric cut and we waited at least ten minutes.  Then we went to check out and waited another ten minutes.  But Isaac did a nice job of entertaining himself while not being destructive, so it ended up ok.

This evening Joshua and I had the hiccups together.  His were rapid, mine were slower.  But it was rather funny.

And finally, a conversation:
Amanda: One...two... (get over here and brush your teeth!)
Isaac: Mom say three?
Amanda: No, you don't want me to say three.  Then you'll get a punishment.
Isaac: A mint?? (Hopeful)
Amanda: No, a punishment.  It's not something you want.

Obviously, I don't get to three very often.  And when I do he usually quickly does whatever he's supposed to do and I let it slide.

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