Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday: boy band

Seen here for the very first time together...

(I kept it short for a reason.:D )

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday: 34 weeks

Joshua is 34 weeks old today.  After being very serious down in Florida, he has started to smile a bit more again.  Still serious, but not all the time.

Joshua likes duplos.  So for a while this morning Joshua was playing with duplos and Isaac was playing with Legos and it was lovely.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday: Florida pictures

Ready for a picture overload?  In no order, because that's a bit too hard.

Joshua floating all by himself.  Better sign him up for swimming lessons this summer too.

Joshua had a lot of cute pictures this vacation.

Dulpo train

Slide in the dulpo area.  There was a very nice nursing area here too.

There were giant duplos in the area too.

Isaac got to go in his own car on the driving range, but it didn't really go very well.

There was a nice guy that helped him though.

Lego seagull.

Ben and Isaac in a boat.

Joshua looking cool.

Isaac and a robot boat.

Isaac's pool get-up.  A loose life vest and swimmies.  It looked silly but worked very well.

Ben and Joshua

Isaac lining up all the ducks.  Actually, he really enjoyed "rescuing" the ducks and putting them in the hot tub.  It gave him a purpose to swimming around in the pool.


Splashing and kicking with me.

Joshua at the playground.

At a playground.  It was a rather nice playground.


Water break.

Isaac on the duplo train.

Ben sat behind him.

I tried to get him to take a picture by duplos that he had, but instead he wanted the carrots and corn.

 Isaac with a Lego Camel.  It was kind of hard to get him out of the stroller since he was a bit sick.  But later he saw the pictures and said "It's Jerusalem!"  (That's the name of his camel.)

Waiting in line for beetle bounce.
 Ready for beetle bounce.

Standing by the octopus because Joshua was dressed in his octopus outfit.  However, he was asleep and I wasn't about to wake him.

In mini-land by the space shuttle.

By mini-land.  Both boys were still asleep.

Everyone sleeping.

Last ride - the carousel.  It was also the first one that Joshua could go on.

Isaac on a black horse.  He really does love black.

Goodbye LegoLand!

Isaac with rescued ducks

Joshua and me.


A "trap"

Joshua looking thoughtful.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday: home

We're home.

Ben and I were rather sick today though.  I'm not really sure what I have...there's a little cough, but mainly just tired in a sick way.  Luckily, the boys behaved themselves pretty well and we made it through the day.  I even got several pieces of luggage unpacked and the wash done.

We were both feeling better after dinner; we'll see what tomorrow brings.

My interesting thought of the day: we have two of those tubs that you get to bring home from the hospital.  Isaac uses one in the tub, and the other one might be the throw-up bucket since the throw-up cup is lost.  (I know.  How does one lose a throw-up cup?)  Anyway, at one point Isaac was worried that the throw-up bucket was the one he uses in the tub.  So today I thought we could put the acronym on the throw-up bucket to differentiate between them: T.U.B.  Oh...that doesn't help as much as I was hoping.

Friday: laughs

On the way to the airport Joshua was in an incredibly happy mood.  I managed to get more laughs out of our serious little guy than I ever have.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday: legoland

We went to LegoLand today! Overall, it was quite fun. There were enough rides that Isaac could go on. And he enjoyed going on them...he even went on the scary one twice so grandma could go on it too.

However, it was rather hot by the end. Isaac also is a bit sick, but he was a trooper. And Joshua...well, he put up with the whole day.

On safari. We got to ride in a zebra car just like the one he has.
Many of the rides had areas where the kids could play while the adults wait in line.
He had three bowls of fruit loops for breakfast. He's never had them before...and I expect it will continue to be a special treat.

We took lots of pictures, so more to come later! (My phone was having problems with the pictures I took on it, which is why there may be captions with no pictures.)

I also got to see a high school friend for dinner. It was very nice to catch up.

"Everything is awesome"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday: more vacation

Today was another relaxing day. We played in the pool, went to a nice playground, and ate good food.

We're now on our way to legoland.
Joshua fell asleep.

Isaac enjoyed the manga doodle. He enjoyed making faucets and we washed our hands a lot.