Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday: grades

I spent most of the day grading.  But they're done!  Grades are in!

I only had two people upload the wrong files (the temp files).  Sigh.  You'd think that after a semester of me telling them to make sure they have the right file they'd know.  Especially since I stressed that it gets harder for the exam since they might not be on campus.

Luckily, they both found a way to get access and got me the files.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday: exam

Well, all the exams have been given.  Now grading.  I spent a significant amount of time grading today and have 20/50 exams complete.  Blah.  I'm still hoping to finish tomorrow and put in grades, but don't expect to have a bunch of extra time.

Also, Isaac figured out how to snort today.  It was hilarious.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday: pictures and swimming

We put up some new pictures on the picture wall today.  Joshua LOVED playing with the envelopes and several times cried when I picked him up to do something else.

Isaac had his first swimming lesson.  He had fun doing the games and wants to go back next week. He did let go of the wall once when they were hand walking on the wall, giving me a slight heart attack, but the instructor quickly got him.  I went up to him and he was surprisingly unphased and went right back to the lesson.  He told Ben about it later, so it was a memorable experience, but "the teacher got me".  So I think the whole incident scared me more than him.  The class size was also a bit bigger than I was hoping for considering that they need a lot of personal attention.  

During the whole lesson Joshua just cuddled on my shoulder and it was really nice.

Below he is the second kid from the top and is putting his ear in the water.

(Side note: the life guard had to rescue a child that wasn't part of the group.  Hooray for life guards, who really have a hard job.  I think that all the time.  Most of their work is really, really boring, but then there are thirty seconds where it is really, really important.)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday: 9 months old

Joshua is 9 months old!  A three quarters of a year!

Sleep - he's slept through the night (11pm-7am) a few times.  He takes two or three naps a day, depending on how long the second nap is.  He seems to be a pretty light sleeper as he wakes up shortly after Isaac does most days.

Eating - this is going so much better.  Sweet potatoes seem to be his favorite (and they also seem to help him sleep through the night the best).  But puffs and rice crackers are a big hit too.  Yogurt and peas are eaten pretty easily.  I haven't been giving him a ton of new foods this month, trying to just get the eating thing down.  It doesn't help that summer produce isn't here yet.  But he has a good tenish foods that we rotate through.

Moving - he can (and does) roll to get somewhere, but it isn't continuous rolling until he gets to his destination, so it might take him a bit.  He's been pulling himself onto his knees.  He can eat his finger food by himself  (puffs, sweet potatoes, peas) and gets most of it in his mouth.  He still enjoys his jumper.

Attitude - still pretty mellow.  Usually he's happy to play with his toys, especially if someone else is in the room.  Most of the time he's ok being with people that aren't Ben or me, but there are issues sometimes.

Talking - he does quite a bit of babbling.  I hear mama and dada a lot, but I'm not sure if that's just what my ears pick out.  He knows to holler if I'm not feeding him fast enough, unfortunately.  He doesn't like to be put in the excersaucer and have you walk by it a lot without picking him up and he lets us know.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday: Critter Barn

We went to the critter barn today with another family.  We had been planning on going to the zoo, but it was just a bit too cold.  The critter barn was nice as it still got us outside, but there was a lot of stuff out of the wind too.

Getting ready - we had to find Joshua a hat.  Apparently we like raccoon hats.

Petting bunnies

Feeding sheep.

Feeding a goat.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday: silliness

This morning we were waiting for the library to open and Isaac wanted to know what Ben was doing at work.  Maybe jumping or exercising or a game?  

We got an Amazon shipment today.  It included an attachment for changing high-up light bulbs.  (Side note: high up light bulbs are dumb.  We had one in the NY house too, but it was under a fixture.  So we didn't use that light.)  Anyway, I put LED light bulbs in so we can use these lights now.  And I really, really hope they never ever burn out.

(Below is the stick still sticking to the light bulb, but it came off pretty easily when I tilted it.)

The other thing in the shipment was ultra-washable markers.  Roommate used them with her kids for face drawing.  Isaac wouldn't let me draw on his face (although he drew on it himself a bit).  But he was happy to draw on mine.  He gave me a mustache and a goatee.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday: last day

Today was the last day of classes.  Exams are next week and then summer!  I'll miss it and I won't.  It's probably a good place to be.  I will be teaching again next semester, so I can look forward to that.

Tonight Isaac starting putting this bag on everyone's head and called it a party hat.  It seemed appropriate!