Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday: blueberries and chairs

Isaac was a wild child today.  Ben noticed that before he left for work.  I only had one small item on the get-out-of-the-house today, so we went to the activity jar.  It said, "Go fruit picking."  Hmm.  It sounded like so much fun when I wrote it up.  It did get us out of the house, but with an infant?  What was I thinking?  Oh well, I decided we'd try it.

It worked medium well.  Isaac needed to be shown which berries to pick and most of the good ones were at the bottom.  Harder with a baby carrier.  However, after about ten minutes Isaac decided he didn't like the feel of grass on his legs and left.

I did stop at one more bush in the shade by the end of a row so that Isaac didn't need to be in the long grass.  It wasn't super hot and there was a nice wind.  Isaac said that he had a fun time and when he gets bigger he'll pick more.  So an activity win, even if it only took a half hour and we only got a quart of berries.

Later in the day we put Joshua's chair together.

Surprisingly, it is bigger than Isaac's.  Due to Joshua's tendency to climb on it and then throw himself backwards it will be on it's back for a while so he is closer to the floor.

Hmm, Joshua looks grumpy in that picture.  It's surprising, because he was having a great time climbing all over the chair.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Last Saturday: last day

Cutting a pizza.

Playing with placemats.

Jumping in the pool.

Playing with lots of floaty things

And a backflip.

Last Friday: cave

Joshua was exhausted in the morning.  He didn't sleep all that well on vacation so ended up sleeping with us several times.

On the way to the cave.

We borrowed a double stroller.  Isaac loved it...he always wants to stroller instead of walking.

The cave entrance.

Isaac liked the caves...there were a lot of rocks.  And he didn't have to walk.

The cathedral area, for which the cave is named after.

A long and thin rock.  It was cool.

A family picture!  Joshua did not enjoy the stroller, so he was out of it most of the time. :p

After nap time we made ice cream.

I think Isaac looks super cute in this picture.  It might be my favorite of the trip.

A lump of sugar was hilarious.

Putting in ice.

Rolling down a hill.

With Joshua.  I'm ready for him to be able to walk.

Carrying the ice cream up the hill.

It was really hard work and involved a lot of grunting.

In the evening Joshua got to drive in the car.  Isaac drove him around for a while and every time the car started he'd clap a bit.  Then Isaac was done so we let him continue to sit in it for a bit.  He tried putting the moves on too, but the arm never got quite all the way around.

Wednesday: 1 year check-up

Joshua started the day by putting balls into the house.  He's still just starting to put things into other things, so it's fun to see.

He then had his one year check up.  His weight is 19 lb 5 oz (18%, a bit up from last time) and 28.5" (8%, down a bit from last time).  He had four shots which were terrible and some blood drawn which wasn't so bad.  He did get a bit clingy this afternoon, but some Tylenol seemed to help.

And now Flurry is sitting in my lap!  She hasn't done this since New York!  I'm loving it, even if it is changing my plans for this evening.

Last Thursday: lunch without kids

Over the years we've learned our lesson; don't wait until the last minute to try and get a group picture.  So that was the first thing on the docket today.

Then the ladies went out for lunch.  Without the kids.  It was quiet.  And peaceful.

And we rode the carousel!  We rode  the animals and didn't just stand by a small child.

Upon our return home there was a bit of play time.  Isaac randomly decided Ryan's lap would be a good place to sit.

This one is funny because their fathers tended to sit in those chairs and watch TV.

Then it was time for water balloons!

You were supposed to aim at feet...but there was a lot of throwing at nothing too. :)

That was a bunch of fun but over somewhat quickly, so we moved to the back yard.  The older kids got squirt bottles and Joshua sat in the water table.

At the end of the day Isaac was so tired, but at least he was next to his best friend Chico.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday: happy birthday Joshua!

The birthday day started with a donut!  It was a plain one, but Joshua still enjoyed it.

It continued with his first pony ride at Meijer.  Unfortunately, Isaac took the picture and covered most of it with his finger.  Joshua also got some toothbrushes.

We got ready for the birthday party throughout the day.  We hung up streamers, but my one picture of them wasn't very good; I'll try tomorrow.  We also frosted cupcakes.

Joshua ate at the kids table.  He likes watermelon the best right now, so he had quite a bit of that.

He had lots of help opening presents.

Cupcake time!  The wind blew out the candle before we finished singing.  Oh would have been too hot otherwise.

Ready, set,

go!  Joshua ate all the frosting off and some of the cake.  He mostly made a mess with the cake.

He also got his first taste of ice cream.  He wasn't a fan.

There was also a new water table...but we had to wait until the bigger kids finished playing first.  He didn't seem to mind though, so neither did we.

Then Joshua crashed.  Perhaps too much sugar?  But it was bedtime anyway, so we put him to bed.