Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday: blueberries and chairs

Isaac was a wild child today.  Ben noticed that before he left for work.  I only had one small item on the get-out-of-the-house today, so we went to the activity jar.  It said, "Go fruit picking."  Hmm.  It sounded like so much fun when I wrote it up.  It did get us out of the house, but with an infant?  What was I thinking?  Oh well, I decided we'd try it.

It worked medium well.  Isaac needed to be shown which berries to pick and most of the good ones were at the bottom.  Harder with a baby carrier.  However, after about ten minutes Isaac decided he didn't like the feel of grass on his legs and left.

I did stop at one more bush in the shade by the end of a row so that Isaac didn't need to be in the long grass.  It wasn't super hot and there was a nice wind.  Isaac said that he had a fun time and when he gets bigger he'll pick more.  So an activity win, even if it only took a half hour and we only got a quart of berries.

Later in the day we put Joshua's chair together.

Surprisingly, it is bigger than Isaac's.  Due to Joshua's tendency to climb on it and then throw himself backwards it will be on it's back for a while so he is closer to the floor.

Hmm, Joshua looks grumpy in that picture.  It's surprising, because he was having a great time climbing all over the chair.


Amy Worrel said...

We had a similar berry picking experience in the spring (though I left E with Nana). It lasted a short time and we just got enough berries for one evening's strawberry shortcake. But it was for the experience, not so much the outcome.

betsy said...

Where did you pick?

betsy said...

Where did you pick?