Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thursday: errands

Our fun activity was to go to DeGraaf Nature center.

He didn't understand how to use the binoculars.  After trying to explain it, I gave up.

We did a fast walk through the trails.  Isaac's hair bounced up and down and Joshua's legs bounced up and down.

Then we went to the quilt shop.  Kelly said that he could play with the beach toys, but he just made himself at home in the pool.

Isaac also gave Joshua some of his "bread."  Except it was cake.  It was just crumbs so I let it go.  But after so many times of saying "no cake for Joshua" I was thwarted by my three year old.

In the car on the way to the gym we learned the life cycle of a buttbow.  Buttbows turn into puppies, which turn into peoples.  We learned about life cycles at the nature center.

Zach and Jenny showed up!  Here's to a fun weekend.

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