Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday: Happy 4th!

We went to the neighborhood picnic.  They supply hot dogs and side dishes and ask everyone to bring a dessert.  So there were lots of delicious desserts.

We took some 4th of July pictures.  Mainly because both Ben and I remembered a picture from Isaac wearing the same outfit.  Here's Joshua (11 months)...

And here's Isaac (6 months)...
...turns out I was wearing the same shirt too.

And one of the whole family.

After rest time we went outside with various squirters.  The funniest was when Isaac had the hose and Ben had a tiny squirt bottle.  But Isaac also enjoyed the sprinkler and squirting himself in the face.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Cute pictures! Your boys looked a lot alike as babies!