Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday: leaves

Well, we finally finished our raking today.  Our neighbors have some trees that don't lose their leaves until about two months after normal trees.  It was slightly wet but rather warm.  We were all in light coats without hats.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday: pictures

It turns out that camels like pomegranates. much so that they sneak into your refrigerator to be close to them.  (It even happened that Isaac found the camel and he is rarely the first person in the fridge in the morning!)

This happened when Isaac decided to clean the front of the refrigerator and Joshua decided to stack the groceries.  It was loud and messy.  I don't actually mind the grocery stacking, but coupled with the magnets it was a bit much.
I do really, really love my kids, but I also enjoy being away from them.  I pondered that quite a bit today and decided it is just one of life's paradoxes.  And I'm ok with that.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday: houses and movies

We made graham cracker houses today.  Well, Isaac and I did.  Joshua just ate the ingredients.

He was too busy eating in the picture below to look at me.

This evening we brought Isaac to his first movie, The Good Dinosaur.  He got some money for Christmas and said that he wanted a movie or maybe dinosaurs.  So we got this one in before it left theaters.  (It wasn't really that good.  The plot was pretty standard.  Not bad...just not great.  However, prices dropped at the Star, so we were pleasantly surprised about that.)

Isaac did well at the movie and seemed to enjoy it, although there were some scary parts.

Sunday: double squish

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday: morning

Last night was a bit rough.  I think I finally got to sleep around 3am.  First, I was up a little late. then Joshua has moved his night wakeup back to 1:30/2 and that just doesn't work for me so I let him do more crying, but still had to check on him a few times.  Then Isaac started crying because he didn't have his wipe.  Oh, 7am is going to come so early.

So imagine my surprise when I woke up at 9am!  I got up with Joshua (he woke me up) and then went to Isaac's bedroom to at least open the door.  Hmm...he wasn't there.  I felt as though I had heard him getting up, but he never came to find me.  I looked at the couch, and there was a big quilted lump...oh no...I hope he hasn't been hiding from me for over an hour!

Nope.  He had just fallen back to sleep in the light of the Christmas tree.  He slept until 10am, which meant he had a record streak of about 14 hours.

We also took some in front of the tree pictures.  They're both smiling and Isaac doesn't look like he's strangling Joshua!  Also, Joshua's shirt was actually 3/4 sleeve, so most of the day it felt like he was in a girls' shirt.  But luckily it doesn't look like that in the picture.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday - star wars - no spoilers

Ben and I went to see Star Wars this afternoon.  We were going with a bunch of people from his work and thought it might be packed.  It wasn't.

How's that for no spoilers?  I didn't even tell you what I thought about it. :)  We did forget to pick up Ben's car on the way home though...blah.

It also snowed today!  Isaac was so excited.  He found me, said it is snowing really hard so that means it's winter and that means it's December.  I didn't quite follow the logic on the last part but went with it.

Thursday: grading

Grades are almost done.

I was hoping to finish by 4pm today.  It's now 12:49am and I'm done.  There are still a few little parts to deal with (after multiple reminders, the wrong files still got uploaded), and I actually have to put in the grades, but it's mostly done.
