Friday, February 9, 2018

Cruise - day 7: sea day, sort of

Today was our last day on the boat.   It started with breakfast, as always. They really were delicious breakfasts...a lovely assortment of food and yummy things.

It was a day back at Castaway Cay, but we decided to just stay on the boat instead.  We finished up the last of the three detective things.  This was one of Isaac's favorite parts.

Isaac would hold the card in front of a "painting" and it would make him do a little game (pop ballons, light rockets, use a flashlight to find a clue) and then he would find some of the lost items or a clue on who was the bad guy.  Pluto elevator
During one of them Joshua snuck Pluto into my purse strap and then said, "Mom!  I don't have Pluto!"  "Where is he?" I asked.  "On the elevator."  "WHAT?!?!?!"  I ran over to push the elevator button, but since there are always four elevators in a bank I didn't have much hope the right one would come.  Well, it came right away and Pluto wasn't on it.  Joshua had been carrying it around all the time, and I didn't really want him to lose it because buying him a new one would feel like a parenting fail.  Then Joshua told me Pluto was in my purse.  I was not amused.  (Although now that it is done I am.)

We took a nap.  Joshua was super cute.

We went to take a few more pictures before our last dinner.  This is the lobby from the second floor.

I had wanted to get at least one picture with Mickey.  Since it was so close to the end there was no official photographer, which in several ways was nice.

Our dinner was in Animator's Palace again, and it was a great place to end up.  This time we drew some figures and they were animated in a short show.

I tried to get a few pictures with a few of the scenes we were in, but I'm not sure it worked.

There was a puppy that showed up on the ground this time.

After dinner we went swimming for the last time.  Well, Ben and Isaac did.  Joshua and I ended up just sitting and watching whatever was on the screen.  They went down the water slide 10 times!  (There was no line.) Isaac was so excited to beat his old record.  By the end the cast member had Isaac repeating the rules instead of him.

That night we had rough seas.  Luggage that was outside was rolling all over the place.  Hangers were banging and safes were slamming.  It's a bit too bad that it was the last night as everything was packed up instead of being able to help quiet things down.  We survived, but Ben and I were awake for a few hours.

We had our last breakfast in Animator's Palace again and then had to leave.  :(  It was a wonderful vacation.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday: Isaac doctor

Isaac went to the specialist today because of his cough.  Of course, Ben and I haven't heard the cough in the last week and a half.  I called and they said to still bring him in though.

An allergy test was done.  As expected, Isaac is not allergic to anything.  (This was expected because the allergy medicine didn't help.)

We're left with two options, both of which are hard to diagnose.  1) a habitual cough or 2) a periodic asthma induced cough.  This is different from normal asthma, as something will trigger it, the person will have a cough for a week or two, then it will stop until it is triggered again.

Anyway, we have an inhaler if the cough comes back to try.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Joshua and I brought Ben to a doctor's office today...

Joshua: Am I going to get a sucker?
Amanda: No.
J: Are Mom and Dad and Joshua going to get suckers?
A: No.
J: Yes or no or maybe?
A: No.
J: Yes or maybe?
A: No.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday: snow day

Isaac had a snow day today.  I'm not really sure why; there was a lot of snow, but only 5-6 inches and it was light and fluffy.  I think I'm more annoyed that it fell on a Tuesday than the fact that he had a snow day;  everyone works on Tuesdays.

Anyway, Ben ended up staying home and having a snow day too.  Isaac had a great time: extra screen time, bringing treats in to Ben's work, and going out for lunch.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday: the day

The latter part of the morning was spent cleaning, as normal.  Well, Joshua didn't clean.  He finally spent the fifteen minutes needed to do it when Ben and Isaac were going to play Minecraft for screen time and he realized he wanted to do that.  Anyway, I put all the Legos that were on the table away.  Yay!  I had a table again! ...for about 30 minutes.  Oh well.  Joshua enjoys them, so that's good.

This evening we did our big puzzles.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday: fire plane

Joshua again didn't sleep all that well last night.  He woke up early.  I went in to see what was going on and he wanted to see his fire plane.  Well, we had told him last night that he could see it, so I got it down and went back to bed.  He looked at it all day...he so excited about it, but didn't do any extra work to earn money for it.

Joshua played with Legos a ton today.  The fire engine that he got for Christmas is still used all the time.  He also got out his tree house and a Lego robot.  They were all in a story together, but I'm not sure what the story was about.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday: snow

It snowed today!  I wasn't expecting it for some reason.  It was also rather cold.  The radio said that later tonight it would get into the low teens...and I looked at the thermometer at it was already 11deg.  I'm glad of the snow not only because I like snow, but also because I got new snow tires a few weeks ago and was hoping that they would be used.

Last night Joshua didn't sleep well last night.  He made noise about ever 15 minutes for several hours.  He didn't really want anything, but sometime was wrong.  At one point Ben turned down Joshua's lamp and a minute later we hear, "Da-ad, it's too dark to sleep!!"  We rolled our eyes.