Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday: Isaac can go fast

Ben is working on getting the wands from Great Wolf Lodge working with one of our smart lightbulbs.  The blue wand turned the light blue and the red wand turned it red.  The boys were rather excited.

Ben told Isaac he could help do some programming and stuff once his chores were done.  I don't think I've ever see Isaac do his chores so fast.  He did a whole bunch of laundry in 10 minutes.  He did the dishwasher in five.  I was expecting all of those to take about 45 minutes, and so was amazed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday: midterms

Yesterday I mentioned that I was productive, but didn't get as much done as I needed to.

Today's odd thing was midterms.  And finishing some of the things I didn't do yesterday.  Wednesdays are supposed to be set aside for lab grading, but I didn't start until about 10:15...after putting in midterms and dealing with handouts for tomorrow.

Luckily, lab grading, the little that I did, was going faster than normal.

In other news, we got some more fish.  We now have Golden, Big Tail, Sunset, and Rainbow.

Ben filled the closet with balloons.  Joshua wasn't expecting it.

So we filled it back up for Isaac.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday: work

I was rather excited to go to work today.  I didn't have...

...any emergencies to deal with
...any sick kids with me
...any kids with me due to snow days

I was going to be so productive!  Well, I was productive, but there is still a lot of the list to do.  Oh well.

We finally finished all the Disney puzzles.  Joshua did a great job with the smaller two (300 and 500 pc), but lost interest with the last one.  I don't know if it because we had been doing them for a while or because it was too big.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday: flashback

A few weeks ago the boys and I were talking the car.  I mentioned that Isaac had once put an apple slice on his head and left it there.  The boys thought it was hilarious.

After a bit I finally found the picture.  Even after several days waiting for the picture the boys still thought it was funny.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday: balloons

Isaac went to a cadet lock-in tonight.  He was *so* excited.  I heard him tell his karate teacher, the teacher that brings them out at the end of school, and the doctor.  Who knows how many other people he told.  Ben went with him for the first two hours because dads were invited.  (Moms weren't, because we would make the kids go to bed.)  Not many people showed up, but in some ways that might make it even more fun.  The bounce house wouldn't be busy!

Joshua and I needed something special to do too, so we put a bunch of balloons in Isaac's room.  Joshua played hard with them.  We might add a few more tomorrow; it depends on what time Joshua wakes me up.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday: rough week

It's been a bit of a rough week.  I think the problem is mostly taken care of, but there's still some fallout that needs to be dealt with.  Besides some stress I don't think there will be any lasting repercussions.  Hopefully.  I've learned a lot this week.

I know it's a vague post, but it's a public blog.  I want it to be recorded, but...not for all the world to see.

In other news, I killed the female fish.  No one wanted them.  I feel a bit bad for the femicide, but then I remember they're only fish.

In other other news, I was on the computer today after school/work dealing with good news for once, and Joshua came into the office.  He climbed up on a step stool near me and asked, "How are you doing?"  I ask the kids that all the time, but it was almost like he came down just to check on me and it was sweet.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday: home

We spent all morning at the resort before heading home today.

It started with a delicious breakfast.  When we were waiting for Isaac Joshua decided he needed to sit on my lap.  I'm cool with that.

We did some more MagiQuest.  The boys finished everything but the silver dragon.  We found a time when there was a one-person line (to our astonishment) and tried a few times.  It was harder than we wanted to deal with.  So the silver dragon won the day and we were left a bit disappointed.  We're fine with a hard game, but then the lines need to be short enough that we can actually do it.

I packed up the room while the boys (and Ben) finished the arcade points.

We took a stop at the water park because the boys really wanted to go.  We had a good time.  Isaac was super sad when we said it was time to leave.

We got the glitter tattoos before lunch and leaving.

Here is Pikachu-Puppy with his Pokeball that he got from the arcade.  I was voting for an inflatable sword or hammer, but instead we ended up with another stuffie.  Joshua is pretty excited about it though.