Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday: rough week

It's been a bit of a rough week.  I think the problem is mostly taken care of, but there's still some fallout that needs to be dealt with.  Besides some stress I don't think there will be any lasting repercussions.  Hopefully.  I've learned a lot this week.

I know it's a vague post, but it's a public blog.  I want it to be recorded, but...not for all the world to see.

In other news, I killed the female fish.  No one wanted them.  I feel a bit bad for the femicide, but then I remember they're only fish.

In other other news, I was on the computer today after school/work dealing with good news for once, and Joshua came into the office.  He climbed up on a step stool near me and asked, "How are you doing?"  I ask the kids that all the time, but it was almost like he came down just to check on me and it was sweet.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Oh no. Hope everything is ok! 😢