Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday: home

We spent all morning at the resort before heading home today.

It started with a delicious breakfast.  When we were waiting for Isaac Joshua decided he needed to sit on my lap.  I'm cool with that.

We did some more MagiQuest.  The boys finished everything but the silver dragon.  We found a time when there was a one-person line (to our astonishment) and tried a few times.  It was harder than we wanted to deal with.  So the silver dragon won the day and we were left a bit disappointed.  We're fine with a hard game, but then the lines need to be short enough that we can actually do it.

I packed up the room while the boys (and Ben) finished the arcade points.

We took a stop at the water park because the boys really wanted to go.  We had a good time.  Isaac was super sad when we said it was time to leave.

We got the glitter tattoos before lunch and leaving.

Here is Pikachu-Puppy with his Pokeball that he got from the arcade.  I was voting for an inflatable sword or hammer, but instead we ended up with another stuffie.  Joshua is pretty excited about it though.

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