Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday: Happy Birthday Isaac!

As normal, Isaac's actual birthdays are pretty low key.  He got a few things and Dad (Grandpa Paul) is taking him out to IHop and FroYo.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Saturday: bad guy voices

I finally got a video of Joshua (and me) with our bad guy voices.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday: tree pictures

I finally took pictures of the boys by the Christmas tree.  It took several before we got a good one.  I realized that Joshua's hair wasn't really combed, but...that's just how it was today.

Trying to smile?

This was the ornament that Isaac made as his present.  He put the spinners on the legs too (although it sounded like most people didn't), and loves the fact that when you put the legs up they look like pig legs.  I see why he things that, but I don't see why he cares so much.  Probably because I'm not a seven year old boy.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday: after Christmas

Needless to say, due to the phone fiasco I was more tired than I should have been.  Isaac is still working on a massive clean of his room.  Joshua was rather unwilling to help with a few chores. 

Now, we got through the day but it probably could have been better.  We played some games.  The boys did some Legos.  (We learned that if you open up bag 4 instead of bag 3 there really are some problems.)  Isaac's room is now at a 'messy' status instead of a 'disaster' status.  (Have I mentioned this?  We took everything out of his drawers and I'm making him sort through things.  He's been hording stuff and some toys had pieces in multiple drawers.  He's gotten rid of a ton of stuff and I'm really proud of that.  But he's doing it very slowly.)

We did some exercises.  Joshua did sit-ups by moving his butt up and down, which was hilarious.  I attacked both children and stuck them to the bed.  Ben came home and things tend to be better when he's around, even if he's not actively participating.  Why is that?  I don't know.  But it happens most of the time.

Wednesday: Christmas

I'll admit, Christmas morning was a bit rough.  The boys were ready to go to Larry and Cheryl's house yet there were still things to do at home and it wasn't time to go yet.  However, once we made it there things calmed down and we had a wonderful afternoon.



Legos are serious business.

Joshua came downstairs after bedtime because they were having too much fun and he bonked his head.  He fell asleep on my lap...I never know when the last time that is going to happen will be (obviously), but each time is nice.

As I said, it was a lovely day...until about 12:45am.  (So I guess it was technically the next day by then.)  Ben's phone buzzed.  I had been almost asleep.  I had been almost asleep. phone buzzed.  We were getting assorted texts about paprika that apparently didn't reach our phones during the day.  My phone was on silent, but since Ben was in the text chain or because it was supposed to get to me during the day or something the phones buzzed.  Then I was hot and more awake than I should be.  Fast forward to 2:30am when I finally turned off my phone because they just weren't stopping!  I finally got my last one at 11:30am.  I understand that servers were busy yesterday, but the texts didn't come in any order or even all at once.  And it was night time, so I wasn't thinking straight.

Wednesday: Christmas

As always, the animals that were looking for Jesus all of December finally found him.  The boys moved the people over too, because there were fewer people to move than animals.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday/Tuesday: Christmas time

Yesterday we had a Christmas party with Ben's Dad's family.  It was nice to see them too, especially since it had been a year for many of them.  It's amazing how time flies.

Ben found this air hockey like game for the boys to open and play.  They loved it and we heard giggles the whole time the adults were doing their game.

Today we opened up presents with just our little family.  The boys ended up with more presents than I had been expecting, but oh well.  :)  It was fun.