Thursday, December 26, 2019

Wednesday: Christmas

I'll admit, Christmas morning was a bit rough.  The boys were ready to go to Larry and Cheryl's house yet there were still things to do at home and it wasn't time to go yet.  However, once we made it there things calmed down and we had a wonderful afternoon.



Legos are serious business.

Joshua came downstairs after bedtime because they were having too much fun and he bonked his head.  He fell asleep on my lap...I never know when the last time that is going to happen will be (obviously), but each time is nice.

As I said, it was a lovely day...until about 12:45am.  (So I guess it was technically the next day by then.)  Ben's phone buzzed.  I had been almost asleep.  I had been almost asleep. phone buzzed.  We were getting assorted texts about paprika that apparently didn't reach our phones during the day.  My phone was on silent, but since Ben was in the text chain or because it was supposed to get to me during the day or something the phones buzzed.  Then I was hot and more awake than I should be.  Fast forward to 2:30am when I finally turned off my phone because they just weren't stopping!  I finally got my last one at 11:30am.  I understand that servers were busy yesterday, but the texts didn't come in any order or even all at once.  And it was night time, so I wasn't thinking straight.

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