Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday: after Christmas

Needless to say, due to the phone fiasco I was more tired than I should have been.  Isaac is still working on a massive clean of his room.  Joshua was rather unwilling to help with a few chores. 

Now, we got through the day but it probably could have been better.  We played some games.  The boys did some Legos.  (We learned that if you open up bag 4 instead of bag 3 there really are some problems.)  Isaac's room is now at a 'messy' status instead of a 'disaster' status.  (Have I mentioned this?  We took everything out of his drawers and I'm making him sort through things.  He's been hording stuff and some toys had pieces in multiple drawers.  He's gotten rid of a ton of stuff and I'm really proud of that.  But he's doing it very slowly.)

We did some exercises.  Joshua did sit-ups by moving his butt up and down, which was hilarious.  I attacked both children and stuck them to the bed.  Ben came home and things tend to be better when he's around, even if he's not actively participating.  Why is that?  I don't know.  But it happens most of the time.

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