Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday: twins, errands, books

Guess who were twins today??

After they left for the day, Joshua and I did a few chores and some Legos and then started our errands.  We had 10 places to go!  Usually I spread them out and go to two places at the most, but with Christmas coming several of these needed to be done.

1. We went to the pet store.  (Joshua looked at all the animals.  We got cat food (the real reason) and some kitty presents.)
2. We went to Joann's...I needed a bunch of thread.  Joshua didn't enjoying helping me find just the right color as much as I thought he would.
3. We went to the south side Meijer and stocked up on Lego bins.  We also found a new carpet runner because we happened to be going through the aisle.  And donuts, because 10 places!
4. Gas station
5. Hope college - Dad's office.  He wasn't there.  Joshua got his treat from the office.
6. Hope college - library.  I had been planning to find the things I needed yesterday, but then suddenly the day was packed.  There were some shapes made out of chalk board material that Joshua wrote on while I found what I needed. 
7. Present store - closed
8. Present store - got presents and a few things for us too
9. Back to the first present store: open
10. Herrick Library - Joshua elected to stay in the car.

Fast forward to this evening, around 9pm.  Ben and I hear a child coming down the stairs.  We were expecting Joshua.  Instead it was Isaac, crying.  Whatever could be the matter??  It turns out he finished his book series and was so sad that they were done.  I actually seemed like a good reason to be crying.

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