Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday: graham cracker houses

Today we started our graham cracker houses.  Joshua did most of his by himself, with just a touch of help from Ben and me.  It was wonderful.

We put them in cages to dry and protect them from wandering kitties.  Unfortunately, they're also hidden from the camera.

As part of a Lego group I'm part of we were challenged to make a small scene that showed something that is better together.  I chose doing laundry, I think because the day the challenge came out Joshua helped me put away extra clothes and it was so nice.  I think it turned out ok...I really wasn't feeling it until I put the floor in, which was the last step.  But that gave it a much more polished look.  (Isaac was slightly upset that I took all the hands out of the shirts, but I told him that I couldn't wash hands.)

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