Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday: conversations

Isaac:... Live for 500 years
A: I don't want to live for 500 yrs
Isaac: because you'd be decaying?
A: sure

J: I can't wait until mom and dad are dead so Isaac and I can do whatever we want!
A: how about when you're an adult you can do whatever you want.  Then I don't have to die.  What do you want to do when you're an adult?
J: break stuff!
A: uh, sure
J: and get expensive glofish tank!

In unrelated news, I had first at Hope today.  Students can turn in late homework for a penalty.  I had two students do so poorly that they ended up with negative points on an assignment.  Every semester there is something new.

In more unrelated news, I had sent a comic strip to Isaac's teacher about snow days.  She sent back an appropriate response, along with this..."Also, I just adore Isaac and his creativity and great sense of humor.  I am SO GLAD he is in my class."  Aww. :D

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