Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday: Grey Bear

 Joshua was not excited about going for a hike this morning so I said, "Bring something that will make you happy."  I had been thinking sunglasses or pants instead of shorts or something like that, but instead Grey Bear came with us!  I was rather's been a while since Grey Bear has joined us on an outing.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday: meh

 Today was annoying.  The boys were bored and rather unwilling to be unbored.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday: missing

Things that are somewhat missing...

My pants:  I was getting dressed yesterday for work and felt like I had significantly fewer pants to choose from than normal.  One had a stain on them, but I don't think that any were in the wash.

Joshua's underwear: Joshua said "Did you know you can wear two pairs of underwear at once?!?" earlier this week, and there seemed to be a ton in the wash this week.

My beginning of school excitement: Joshua and I worked on the classroom a bit more today and we could easily start.  I'm sure a few things will change and there are some minor things I still want to move around, but it's pretty ready.

1 cup raspberries: I thought I had enough raspberries to make jam yesterday, but was two cups short.  I picked again this morning but only got one cup worth.  (I did get that last cup this evening, but it was too late to make jam.)

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thursday: week

 Well, this week is flying by.  I just realized I haven't posted since Monday.  I don't have any pictures so it's hard to remember.  Not much happened.

The babysitter started work and it seems to have gone well.

Isaac spent the night with Larry and Cheryl and had a grand time.  Joshua stayed at home.  We made a cat tent and had too much screen time.  We almost made raspberry jam, but we were about one cup of raspberries short.  There'll probably be enough by tomorrow.

My second class today finally seemed to get the timing correct.  I got through all the material and there was time for the students to practice.

I picked up Isaac and Joshua's supplies from school. It was uneventful.  I got Isaac's first week of school schedule and it doesn't look too bad at all, but the teacher also said that it will change the second week.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday: screen time day

 Isaac used his all-day screen time day today.  Although he wasn't feeling great this evening, so we moved tonight's screen time until tomorrow.

I got a lot of work done today because of this, although I relaxed a bit too.

In other news, Joshua made his next recipe: cup sandwich.  He had it for dinner, but the first thing he had to do was slam it out of the cup.  So I'm not really sure what the point of the cup was, other than to make it hard to spread the toppings.  He had Nutella, honey, and peanut butter.  The peanut butter was "to be healthy".  Oh, and there are three layers of bread, cut with a cookie cutter.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday: school

 Today we got another email from the school.  It gave us some information, but seemed like an email to let us know more information would be coming...again.

I've been waiting for this email because we have stuff to pick up for school and school starts in a week.  We were at least given the dates and times (Thursday and Friday, 5-7pm) we will be able to come, although no information as to whether we need to sign up for a slot or anything like that.  (That email will come on Tuesday.)  Oh well, at least progress is being made.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday: plug

 We finally changed a plug that hasn't worked well for years.  It's one of those things I should have done a long time ago, but just never got around to it.

Isaac helped.  He got to learn about the fuse box and did several of the wire changes.

I changed the color from almond to white, which looks much better.  Although I'm not sure if it looks better enough to change the other sockets.