Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday: cats

 Joshua forgot to close the garage door when he got the mail, so when I realized it 30 minutes later I closed it.  Of course, this prompted the cats to wait by the door because it was about time for Ben to come home.

So I showed them that no one was there.

Of course, Ben came home about two minutes later. so I had really messed them up.

Ben and Isaac went to play Magic tonight, so I had the only lap available.  Horizon curled up so nicely and then alerted me when they got home by leaving.  He did stay long enough to help me skip my evening snack, so I guess that was nice of him.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thursday: pretty normal

It was a pretty normal day today.  I taught.  The kids went rock climbing.  I went to karate.  We had risotto with sausage for dinner; it was delicious (and easy).

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Wednesday: quilting

I worked with my 4th grade girls on a quilting badge at church tonight.  We only had 1.25 hours, but got pretty far, especially considering some sewing machine issues and the girls having not used a sewing machine before.  I'll finish them up over the next two weeks or so.  I think they had fun and probably learned a little something.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Tuesday: cold

Today it got cold.  The rain made it feel colder.  I got Joshua's winter coat out for tomorrow, although this weekend is supposed to be nice again.

Also, Google put together a 'similar shots'.  It seems as though it's telling me that we have messy floors.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Monday: the day

Today was rather uneventful.  I worked at Kids' Food Basket.  I think half of the people that signed up didn't show, and so I thought we would be working longer than normal.  There were two organizers that were there and so they pitched in and we were done after an hour (instead of the normal hour and a half).  So I'm not really sure how that worked, but it was nice.

I stopped by Joann's to get some thread, but they were completely out.  It was an extra bummer because I ran out of that thread color today and so need to pause until I can get some more.  I don't always run the quilter Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday because the evenings are busy, but I can still be a little annoyed.

The morning was nice and rainy, but it stopped by the time it was time to pick up the kids from school.

I was tired this evening.  I'm not really sure why.

Sunday: Sunday school

Last week Isaac complained that Sunday school was boring; they were learning the same stories that he already knew.  I actually understand this.  It's been hard to find Bibles/devotionals at this point that don't just go over the 'big' stories of the Bible.  Not that they aren't important, but there is so much more to learn.

Anyway, Isaac came to the adult Sunday school today with me.  It's a different format this semester, where there is a short teaching about different ways to pray and then you pray using that method.  Today was focusing on Adoration, so as a practice we put out attributes of God following the alphabet.  Isaac participated!  He had several, but my favorite of his was 'unworried'.  His favorite of mine was 'umbrella'.  I think it'd be an interesting exercise to do with kids because they don't have the standard words that are normally used to describe God as engrained in them and you'd get some unique descriptors.  

Joshua joined at the end because it was going long.  The leader had thought that Q was going to be a problem (it wasn't) but as we were talking about it on the way home Joshua mentioned that 'you are my Q' would have been good.  I was a bit confused at first, thinking he meant queue.  After talking it through I realized he actually meant cue, and it became a good attribute.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Saturday: attic

I needed to measure the amount of insulation in the attic, so I took Isaac up with me.  He really enjoyed seeing it and doing a bit of climbing in the rafters.

He later told me that the whole experience (all fifteen minutes of it) would be a good topic for his personal narrative in writing.  :D