Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday: last day of school

 2nd and 5th grade are in the books!

...but, for all the excitement of today Joshua had a rough afternoon.  He refuses to look at the (analog) clock to figure out if it is before or after 3pm, which is snack time.  Then he almost had a meltdown when a mess was made while he and Isaac were playing a game in the basement.  I absolutely said, "It's going to be a long summer." already.  Joshua did perk back up after dinner, so I think he was a bit hangry.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Thursday: almost done

School only has a half day left: 1 drop-off, 0 recesses, 0 more lunches to make, and 1 more pick up.  At one point I counted how many years I was going to need to deal with pick-ups, but then COVID hit and now I don't count things like that anymore.

Giraffe had an adventure today!  He was a Gir-inking Giraffe.  I crack myself up.  Good thing it's almost summer so they can stop having adventures.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Wednesday: Success!

O:CtH kitchen edition is a wrap!

I finished the last little bit today and dealt with the pile of stuff that was on the counter.  I know the puzzle is still there, but I need to start it after VBS and don't want to forget.

I'll also note that it took me so long that I probably need to start over at the beginning, but I'll just gloss over that.  It is also importation to remember to clean under things in the kitchen.  The bottoms of the cabinets and drawers were especially disgusting.  I absolutely could do a better job of keeping the drawers clean too, but if I think realistically I know that won't happen.

Next up is the little storage room off the office.  I'm going to see how summer goes though; I wouldn't be surprised if I do a minimal number of chores.  It can wait until fall.

In other news, the bears had a straw-bear-y adventure today.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Tuesday: O:CtH - kitchen

 I finished more of the kitchen today!

I started with the cabinet above the microwave.  I threw out a ton of plasticware and straws.

Next I cleaned the drawer with the kids' plastic dishes.  I got rid of several things from here too, and arranged it so everything actually fits...and should easily fit with limited upkeep.

I finished the towel drawer too.  There was a surprising amount of random stuff in the drawer that has now been placed in (hopefully) better locations.

So there's only one spot left!  It does have a pile of random stuff to deal with though, so I'm not looking forward to it.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Monday: O:CtH

My goal was (and possibly still is) to finish cleaning the kitchen before the end of school: 3.5 more days.  I'm not sure I'm going to make it as a few other things need to take priority near the end of the week.

I did work on it some today and got through several locations.  I really thought that I had cleaned under the oven recently but that was obviously not the case.  It did make for gratifying cleaning though!  I still have four more spots: a cabinet, two drawers, and part of a counter to finish before I can call it done.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Sunday: related to cats

I woke up to find Horizon on a quilt I was giving away today.  That wasn't were I wanted him to be.

It was Joshua's turn to choose the family activity, so he choose Lego challenge: "related to cats".

I made a cat toy.  I really tried to get it attached to a motor and spinning, but I just don't have enough experience with gears/technic to make it work correctly in the allotted time.  Tornado played with it for about thirty seconds.

Ben also made a toy.  It used a laser pointer on a double pendulum+.  The cats played with it for about thirty seconds.

Joshua made some scenes.  One is a cat bathroom with food, sinks, and a scratching post.  The other was a minecraft-like environment where all the different biomes were called cat related things.

And Isaac made a cat in a cat.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Saturday: a Saturday

'Twas a pretty normal Saturday.  We did go rock climbing this morning with one of Joshua's friends.  We did some housework, played some games, took a nap.  The kids laughed together a's my favorite sound.