Saturday, March 5, 2016

50 months

Isaac turned 50 months old last week.  Wow.  A milestone that I completely missed.

I'm not sure a ton has changed since last month.  So we'll just do a recap of life at this point.

Likes: black, being a puppy, doing the remote control for the TV, asking how many nights until Disney world, taking pictures, playing in his room, playing with Mom or Dad, (really, any playing at all), imagining things, and treats.

Dislikes: naps, going to the gym, getting hugs from Joshua, soup, salad, tomatoes, and the flash of a camera.

Likes: helping me in the kitchen, playing computer games with Dad, getting the mail, bringing the garbage and recycling into the garage, running, running while being a drill, running while bonging into walls, and being a gate.

Dislikes: hard pants, getting water in his face, sharing with Joshua, cleaning his room, and eggs

Likes: medicine, grandma's house, typing on a keyboard, the alphabet, -nators, pools, books, the solar system, sewing, Circuits, playing games, going to people's houses (mainly to play with their toys), making Joshua laugh, cleaning toilets, and being silly.

Look!  Isaac and Joshua wore matching socks!


betsy said...

Cute update. Love the matching socks :)

betsy said...

Cute update. Love the matching socks :)