Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday: games

Last night didn't go so well.  Joshua was up so many times and wouldn't go back to sleep like normal.  I brought him into bed with me for a few hours, because that seemed to be the only way to calm him down, but after those hours he didn't get any better.

Isaac was on a game streak today.  We played several, including spirograph (which is in the game closet).  I did the one below, Isaac did the one above.

Then he saw the plus gear in the box.  "Oh, that one looks like a plus and this one looks like an equals."  And before I really knew what was going on he had the following drawing.  He did say, "Oops, I made the three sideways."  But the overall gist is that 1 +2 = 3.

Isaac and Joshua also did a lot of running today.  I sang this song about 20 times, at which point I recorded myself so I didn't have to sing it for the next 50.  (Audio only.)


betsy said...

What a smart boy Isaac is!!!

betsy said...

What a smart boy Isaac is!!!