Saturday, June 4, 2016

a few days ago: 53 months

Isaac turned 53 months old a few days ago.

I had been thinking about doing a Q&A with him, but my initial questions all got "I don't know"s.  I did get a few answers to the questions I already knew though:
Q: What's your favorite color?
A: gold

Q: What's your favorite animal?
A: dog

Q: What's your favorite food?
A: Donut

He still has a ton of questions.  Although there is a very specific "Ooohhh." when something clicks in his brain.  It's been fun to listen for it.

I'll be honest, not a ton of things stuck out to me this month.  He's getting bigger (literally) which sometimes makes me do a double take.  He is slowly starting to grasp some slightly more obscure concepts, like rich and poor.  (BTW, we're rich because we have a lot of Duplos.  It isn't a bad way of measuring it.)

He slide down a few medium sized slides this month.  After only going down one last summer (and that was because Ben went down with him) I wasn't sure when he was going to do them again.

Here is his nervous face.  He tends to be a happy/silly boy (with bouts of sadness that are over pretty quickly), but whenever he doesn't feel happy he feels "frustrated/nervous."  He still can't pinpoint the cause of such feelings, but at the same time he bounces back pretty quickly.

He loves me "infinity, infinity, infinity, 100, infinity, billion, infinity, infinity..." much, Pluto 100 much, and Ben 11 much.  Ben and I were talking about this last night and wondering if he's playing a game with Ben that doesn't feel like a game.  Isaac definitely has a preference for me, but enjoys being with Ben too.

Isaac does not like going to the gym.  I probably get more complaints about that than anything else.  He does like going to church.  School is somewhere in the middle...I think it would be better except he doesn't like nap time.

Isaac currently is enjoying books by Arthur Geisert.  (This includes black book.)  Two of the three stories have few to no words, but all of them have interesting machines/contraptions in them.  I expect we'll slowly be renting our way through them.  Ben and I find them interesting least the first ten times we read them.  (Books without words are handy can do them quickly or slowly.)  (Haha, that paragraph just brought me down a rabbit hole where I put two books on reserve, found an old Christmas book that I had thought about this year, and a big list of wordless picture books.)

Joshua knows that Isaac's alternate name is Puppy.

Isaac still likes to play with marbles.  I realized that I don't mention that much, but they get put away every Sunday and after the next quiet time they're out again.  Every week.  Even if the marbleworks pieces aren't out, the marbles are.  He has explored marbles a lot.

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